I'm not sure what you're looking for here, but I'll give it a shot...
Yes, formula should be her main source of nutrition. If cutting back on solids hasn't worked, have you tried adjusting her routine? It may take several days to see the effects of any changes, but it may help to switch things around a bit. Offering a bottle before solids can often make a big difference, especially if you offer a bottle when she first wakes instead of solids. You might also find that when you drop the dreamfeed, she's hungrier in the morning and may be more likely to take more of a bottle. She might not be a big formula drinker by nature, and that's fine, but I do think that it's always worth a shot to try and get intakes up. Hungry babies eat...so if she refuses a bottle to hold out for solids, and you skip the solids meal that usually follows it, she might be pretty mad at you but could be more receptive to a bottle when you offer it again. She may even prefer to drink from a sippy that you offer like a bottle...some babies even do well with an open topped cup that you hold.
If all else fails, you can always mix formula into just about anything she eats. Those extra ounces count!