Hello everyone,
I was hoping to get some much needed advice. I'm a first time mum with a 5 1/2 week old DD who has been bottlefed since around day 4 (expressed breastmilk for a month w/a few formula topups and then formula exclusively). Anyway, up until about a week ago, she had been eating really well for all of her feeds. She has since started to develop a naughty little habit, especially during her night feeds. When she eats, she becomes very figgity - playing around, kicking out her feet, gumming the teat, moving her head side to side, waving her hands, etc. as though it's playtime. She's not irritable at all and keeps a good grip on the bottle when I've tried taking it from her mouth, so I know she's hungry, but she just won't lie still. This makes the feeds quite difficult - they take around an hour of continually encouraging her to focus on eating, which then makes it a struggle to get her back to sleep as she's quite awake. The teat appears to be the correct flow (tried a larger size and she was gulping the formula), I always make sure her nappy is clean, the environment (lighting + noise) isn't stimulating, she's winded, etc.
Has anyone else experienced this problem and were you able to correct it? Apologies if this is a silly issue to post. This is my first baby so everything is a new experience and I'm never sure if DD's issues are exclusive to her or just something all newborns do!
Thank you!
Beth x