Author Topic: My 10-month-old won't stop pulling himself up to stand at naptime!  (Read 812 times)

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Offline Christians Mom

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My 10 month-old son used to go down for a nap with me just putting him in his crib.  That all changed when he learned to stand up.  He was very determined, and we soon left on a trip that lasted almost 3 weeks.  In desperation I started nursing him to sleep, which also helped at the time because he was so distracted he would hardly nurse unless he was sleepy.

Anyway, as soon as I returned from traveling, I started with P.U/P.D. (actually just put down) for his naps.  That was about a month ago, and he STILL pops up anywhere from 15 to 50 times before he finally settles down to sleep.  My plan was to start moving away from the crib, a little further every 3 days until I was out of the room.  But he stands up so much, I don't get far before I have to come back and put him down again!

It's getting a little insane, and my husband is making fun of me.  I recently tried to say goodnight and walk out, but he cries if I leave the room.  Actually, a couple of times he has acted okay, but he just stands up for 10 or 15 minutes and THEN starts crying and needs me to start over putting him down another dozen times. 

The kicker is that he just started climbing up the back wall of the crib that is harder for me to reach (but I do), looking back at me, and laughing as he sees me coming to get him.  Like it's a game!  That is what prompted me to start leaving the room when he did it.

Christian is very happy and good-natured, but extremely active and determined.  By my evaluation, he is part Textbook and part Spirited.  I have him on the routine described on page 38 of the newest book (actually we just started it 4 days ago, but it is working pretty well. 

I still breastfeed him 4 times a day, at 7am, 11-11:30am, 4:00, and 7:30.  He sleeps through the night now, thanks to our P.U./P.D. efforts several months ago.  Our naptime routine is to change his diaper, put him in his sleep sack, go into his room, close the blinds and say, "Goodnight sunshine!  Goodnight world!  Goodnight everyone!  It's time for Christian to take a nap!"  Then he says goodnight to the picture of Jesus with little children in his room, and kisses it (cute!).  Then we sit in the rocker and read a story.  Finally, I sing him a lullaby that I have sung him since he was a tiny baby, reserved exclusively for bedtimes.  I take him to the crib and tell him that I'm going to put him in it and that it's time to take a nice little nap.  Kiss, I love you, and I lay him in the crib.  Sorry if this is too detailed.  I just don't know what I'm doing wrong!

He has never ever had any security object like a pacifier, bottle, blankie or toy - nothing but me, which has been a little (lot) difficult.  I just read the suggestion to introduce a security item, so I'm in that process right now, but so far he's only mildly fond of his doggie.

I'm trying to do everything I can think of, and it's driving me crazy.  My husband thinks I'm ridiculous for continuing with this whole process.  Does anyone have any good advice?