Author Topic: Can someone answer a question for me on EASY!?  (Read 1121 times)

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Can someone answer a question for me on EASY!?
« on: May 29, 2006, 10:49:56 am »
Hi there, my little boy is 11 months and Ive never really looked into EASY as he has a reasonable routine that fits with the family, I was just wondering though if he'd fallen into an easy routine by himself!  He has naps that last between an hour and a half then he has 4 hours Awake time before he goes for his next sleep, does this mean hes on a 4 hour easy? When I looked at Tracy's example it looks like a four hour easy is 4 hours from the time they go to sleep till they go down for the next sleep... so he goes to sleep at 9 - 10.30 he would then go down again at 2.30 (4 hours after he woke) but it Tracy's example he would go down from 9 till 10.30 then go to sleep again at 1?! Maybe I have misunderstood this or is he too old for an easy so hes not fitting into this?!

Hope this makes some sense!  ;)

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Re: Can someone answer a question for me on EASY!?
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2006, 12:11:04 pm »
You can find some sample routines in the above link.

A 4hr EASY is classed as 4hr cycle of;

Lauren x

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Re: Can someone answer a question for me on EASY!?
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2006, 17:37:57 pm »
Meaning he should sleep, eat and have 'activity' every 4 hours? The samples are all abit different and I am still confused!

So... say he sleeps from 9 - 10.30 he should then sleep again at 1 or 2.30? (four hours from 9 or 10.30?) He eats every four hours but the rest seems confusing! I'm sorry if I'm being really stupid....  :-[

He just would be tired enough to sleep from 9 -10.30 and then to put him down again at 1!  :)

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Re: Can someone answer a question for me on EASY!?
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2006, 17:52:46 pm »
can you post your current routine?
Lauren x

Offline **Clare**

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Re: Can someone answer a question for me on EASY!?
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2006, 21:32:23 pm »
Ok, here goes!!

6 am wake - Bottle
7.30am Breakfast
8 am Dressed and to nursery or play at home
9 - 10  Nap
10am  - A time
11.30am Lunch
12pm  - A time
2 - 3/3.30pm - Nap
Drink and snack after waking
A time
5.30pm Tea
6.15pm Bath
6.45 Bottle and stories
7 pm Bedtime! Hooray!  ;)

Thanks for taking the time out to help me, I'm happy with his routine but I'm just curious about the EASY! It sounds so good and if I can adapt his to fit into an EASY schedule id feel like I was doing the right thing for him as well as us as a family! Thanks again xx