I have a very spririted boy who in the last few days started to roll around, stand up, and crawl around the crib when put down for his nap. Despite only 30 minutes of sleep this morning, and after 4 hours of A time, he still took 40 minutes to fall asleep for his PM nap..only because I lay him back down for like the 6th time. I don't believe this was due to being overtired..he actually had no signs of being tired but I was getting worried about how late it was getting so I put him down after 4 hours of A time.
I know this is normal for babies at this age, but my frustration stems from the fact that he has very long A times compared to the babies posted on here therefore by the time he settles down for his nap, his whole day gets pushed out so late.
Here is his typical routine:
W: 6am - stays in crib until 7
E: 7:15 - 6 oiunces
8:30 - 4 ounces of solids
S: 9:30 to 10am (sleeps for 1.15)
W:10:45 to 11am
E: 11:00 - 7 ounces
1:30 - 4 ounces of solids
S: 2:45 to 3pm (sleeps for 1.15)
W: 4:00
E: 4:15 - 6 ounces
6:00 - 4 ounces of solids
S: 7:30
The last few days his activity time has gone to 4 to almost 5 hours!!
Does this sound normal? Is it possible that he's trying to merge to only 1 nap??