Author Topic: question on introducing the bottle from breast  (Read 1183 times)

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question on introducing the bottle from breast
« on: May 30, 2006, 22:43:16 pm »
Hello.  My LO ( is that right for baby!) is two weeks tomorrow.  In the hospital, before my milk came in I did the S & S ( formula with the nipple) and now we are exclusively breast feeding.  I would like to introduce a bottle this week and I'm torn on bringing formula back but I think with my work schedule it would be too hard to pump all the time.  Any advice from someone who does both formula and breast?  I bought the Haberman feeder.  I'm so scared to do this because she has the breast down pat (altough a bit of reflux at times). Help!

Thank you,
Ali Duffy

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Re: question on introducing the bottle from breast
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2006, 02:45:22 am »
Welcome to the boards! I'm sorry I can't offer much help. I never BF my baby. But this thread has TONS of info on introducing bottles to breastfed babies and I think a few posts address breastfeeding and formula feeding at the same time. Hope that helps a bit!  :)
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Offline Caseysmomanddad

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Re: question on introducing the bottle from breast
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2006, 04:38:25 am »
Hi Ali,
My LO does one bottle a day from me or my husband of either EBM or EMB/formula. For the first 2 months of life she was BF with 1 bottle of EBM every few days. She never had nipple confusion and always took the breast even if it took a bit for the milk to let down. I would only give her the bottle after the breast feed at first. Many people say that nipple confusion is a myth. Babies will always take the breast when they are young (although I think some moms would argue this point). At 2 months of age she went on a bottle strike and refused the bottle for 3 weeks. She took it back with much advice from the moderators here and now she takes the bottle easily and as often as I need her to. I just re-introduced formula recently as I am going back to work soon. I started by adding a little to the EMB, then adding a bit more. Now I'm at half and half and she seems fine. I am using Playtex feeder with disposible inserts and a silicone fast flow nipple.
Good luck,
C's mom

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Re: question on introducing the bottle from breast
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2006, 04:49:06 am »
Whatever you decide, EBM or Formual, give the bottle ASAP.  We tried to get our lo to take a bottle for a month, she just won't take it.   I started offering it at 11 weeks.  She's now 18 weeks old and I'm waiting for the haberman soft feeder and the finger feeder, these are our last hopes for her to be able to eat while I'm away.  Until she starts solids I guess.

But personally I would stick with EBM as you lose whatever you supplement in formula.  It depends on how long you are hoping to nurse.  The more formula she gets the less milk you'll make and in the first 6-10 weeks is when your supply is basically set.  I wouldn't offer formula before then if you are worried about it.

Also I read that the iron in formula can effect  you lo's ability to absorb the iron in your milk, just a thought.  Go to for more info on stuff like this.

Good luck and congrats on your new bundle.
