Author Topic: 30 min naps - to extend or not?  (Read 521 times)

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30 min naps - to extend or not?
« on: May 31, 2006, 11:25:07 am »
My lo is 11 months and for the past 3 months or so has only been taking 30 minute naps.  I consistently have to go in and try and extend his naps by waiting for him to stir and then placing my hand on his back to send him off to sleep again.  This is quite strange as he used to sleep for 1 to 1.5 hrs  without having to resettle but somewhere somehow it has gone haywire.

Our day goes something like this:
7am - wake
7:30 - bottle
8:30 - breakfast
9:30 ish - nap - sleeps for 30 mins no probs and then I am able to extend for an extra 30 - 45 mins about 70% of the time
10 - 10:30 - wake
11am - bottle
12:30 - lunch
1:30 - nap - sleeps for 30 mins no probs and then I am able to extend for an extra 30 - 45 mins about 70% of the time
2 - 2:30 - wake
3pm - snack
4:30 - dinner
5:45-6pm - bath
6:15 - bottle
6:45 - bed

I have been going in and extending his naps for a few weeks now and I would have thought that by now he would be able to reenter sleep himself.  My question is, do I even bother extending his naps or just accept that he is a 30 min napper.  Sometimes he wakes happy from the naps but at other times I can tell he needs more sleep.

Is there something I am doing wrong?  Is there another technique I should try?

After extending his sleep I remain in the room with him for another 10 mins or so because he often wakes up after the 10 min jolt.

I am hoping you can provide some advice.
