Author Topic: Help my sister in law's baby maybe allergic to cows milk!!!  (Read 1142 times)

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Offline miaria

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My nephew was born 6 weeks ago after a tramatic birth at one week old he was diagnosed with a kidney infection.  At two weeks old he was diagnosed with colic and since than he has cried all day every day with cramps but however does sleep in the night for good spells.  His milk has already been changed three times to different types of cow's milk and now two days ago on a visit to the doctor's, the doctor advised he might be allergic to cow's milk as no drops or milk seam to make a difference.

Since two days ago he has been moved on the a soya milk and seems abit better however not a lot.  He has been given all different types of colic mixtures but none have worked or settled him for very long.  Drops were both natural and medical.  He is on an antibiotic for the kidney infection and will be on this for 8 weeks but the doctor says this isn't the problem its just colic

Anyone got any suggestions??? or any words of wisdom to try to put this little angel out of his misery!!

Thanks for listening

Mia >:

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Re: Help my sister in law's baby maybe allergic to cows milk!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2006, 21:07:26 pm »
i don't know if your nephew had feeding issues , could it be reflux !a change in formula can sometimes ease the reflux symptoms but medication is needed to neutralise the acid .here is a link to the 101 reflux symptoms for you to have a read of , just so you can rule it out.
[img width= height=][/img]Ryan James 9 Nov 2003

[img width= height=][/img]

son , I may have silver in my hair but you are the gold in my heart .

Offline miaria

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Re: Help my sister in law's baby maybe allergic to cows milk!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2006, 21:52:08 pm »
thank you i will certainly do that!!