Hi all
I have been reading this site for many months now and have all of Tracey's books, bar her toddler one. I have also read Gina Ford's books, 'The No Cry Sleep Solution' and a couple of internet books which study all of the 'great' sleep thinkers, so I feel I am fairly well informed.
Here is my DD's routine / background etc with my questions far, far below!!:
My DD is almost 1 year old (on 11 June) and is a very sweet darling, full of fun and life and we (and everyone!) adore her to bits. She has a generally busy week as both me and my husband work full time. On Mondays and Tuesdays she stays at grandma's house (my DH's mother). On Wednesday she has special daddy day at home with DH. On Thursday's and Friday mornings she goes to nursery and Friday pm and the weekend she is with the whole family. She has been doing this since she was 5 months old. As such, establishing / maintaining a routine has had its challenges. However, on all days apart from her nursery days, her routine goes something like this:
between 7 and 7.20am Wake (sometimes earlier, usually only if ill / teething etc)
8.30am Breakfast
10.00am Milk
11.30am Lunch / Snack (sometimes she doesn't want much to eat then)
12 noon Nap for 2.5 - 3 hours (2 hours on grandma's day, 1 hour only at nursery!); usually takes milk before nap
2.30 / 3.00 pm Snack / Lunch (depending on how well she has eaten earlier)
4.00pm (sometimes) Milk
5.30 or 6pm Tea
6.15 pm Bath, then quiet play
7.00 / 7.30pm Bed time, after milk (sometimes later)
Nursery have a completely different routine for food / snacks, which I just go with the flow for. Also, not sure when grandma feeds DD, but I think it is similar to my routine. Overall, she is very healthy and growing well, so something must be going right!
I didn't make a specific effort to transition her from 2 naps to one, it just sort of happened. She can sometimes do 6 hours awake time, but can be cranky / overtired / wound up and difficult to settle. I try and keep her to 4.5 / 5 hours awake time if possible.
Anyway, to get to the point.... (eventually!). DD is a typically 'accidentally parented' baby when it comes to sleep. I tend to lie down with her and give her milk and cuddles. DH cuddles / rocks her to sleep and Grandma does a mixture of the two. Nursery try and get her to go down on her own, but will cuddle her if she crys. She normally doesn't have a problem falling asleep in the car (say on the way home from nursery on a Friday) and I can easily pick her up and put her in her room.
DD was a reflux baby which I found stressful to deal with (and I developed PND, now off the anti-depressants - yeah!), but I fortunately researched this highly. She pretty much got over this at 8 months. The upshot, though, was that I constantly worried that she wasn't eating enough (as she would only take small amounts at a time) and often used the breast / bottle to sooth her to sleep, hence part of the accidental parenting. (as a tiny infant, she was a perfect 3 hour EASY, but when reflux was bad, she would feed every 1.5 hours or so).
DH and I did successfully implement PU/PD when she was around 7 months, which meant she was going down on her own with just shouting / no crying for a good couple of weeks until she was teething / had a cold or something and we have never been disciplined enough to go back to this.
At night time, DD wakes 2 or 3 times a night, often for milk (I know she doesn't need it at her age - I do try and water it down), sometimes just for cuddles. She usually settles within 5 - 10 minutes or so (unless she is ill, can take 1 hour or more - at 5 months or so, she had a terrible habit of being awake for up to 2.5 hurs at 3am, but we're over that now!). As I need to get sleep in order to work, I have let myself slide into a habit of going to her and staying with her in her room for the rest of the night (often from 11 pm to 7am or sometimes, 12 midnight or 1am onwards). I generally manage to get 6 - 7 or more hours sleep a night (not too bad?!). She can sometimes settle on her own with me just lying next to her, as long as she is not over-tired.
DD sleeps on a mattress on the floor in her room, although she used to (I know, I know, Tracey would pick up on that one!) always sleep in her cot (but that meant I got less sleep, so I gradually moved her to the mattress for selfish reasons).
Generally, I actually don't mind the arrangements as they are - everyone is pretty happy most of the time. I am usually a little tired, but coping just fine with life. I'm not even sure I want to change things, but I feel I ought to so that:
1. It will be easier for others to look after DD overnight (grandma has done so maybe 6 or 7 nights in total and always says she doesn't mind, but I would like it to be easier for her)
2. I can get more unbroken sleep
3. I won't be worrying about what other people think (which I know I shouldn't anyway!).
In DD's life, she has had maybe 5 or 6 nights of 'sleeping through the night' from dreamfeed onwards. I stopped giving an official dreamfeed 2 or 3 months ago and just let her wake me when she is ready. I almost wish I never started dreamfeeding her, as she used to wake at 1am and 5am as a newborn, then was down to just a 4am waking before I really pushed on with the dreamfeed. Since then, I think her nightwakings have actually got worse!! (oh well, c'est la vie!).
So, what do you think I / we should do?
Dr Sears would probably highly commend what we are currently doing. Mrs Pantley says that ALL babies eventually sleep through the night. Tracey would say that independent sleep is a great gift.
I want to make sure I am doing the right thing for DD and for the whole family. I do worry that I am stripping away some of DD's independence, but also love how happy she is. She has never had any major problems with separation anxiety.
DH and I have talked about PU/PD, wi/wo and a combination of the two with various adjustments etc. DD is a screamer / fighter with PU/PD and, being very active (she is almost walking, constantly cruising), we are a little (OK, a lot) scared of PU/PD / wi/wo now (I tried just a little PU/PD recently, or, rather, PD, but stopped immediately when she banged her head on the crib and started crying).
Does anyone have experience of co-sleeping and when it 'naturally' stops? What happens to babies who don't learn independent sleep? Will I have to do something more 'drastic' when she is older? Does anyone have any ideas for making PU/PD etc 'easier' for us?
Oh dear, oh dear.... as you can see, I am quite torn. On the one hand, I would love it if I could not get up in the night, on the other, I don't mind and quite like the cuddles.
I realise that I don't sound committed to changing things, but would love to hear your thoughts. Sorry this post is sooooo long, but I have been thinking about it for a long time (about 1 year?!).
Everytime my DH and I talk about this (usually if I have had a bad night), we never manage to get our plan together as I know that if we are going to change anything, we have to do so 100%. He thinks that if she gets too upset, then we should resort to cuddling / rocking / feeding etc., but I know this will just foil our hard work.
Here's hoping you will all be able to help us out.
Many many thanks in advance!