i have the same problem - my LO is 17 weeks and is happier to eat every 4 hours.
on a good day the routine is
7am E
7:40 A
8:30 S
10:30 awake
11 E
11:40 A
1 S
2 Awake (occasionally does another 2 hour nap but often only 1 hour here)
A until catnap around 5pm
5 S catnap
5:40 kick around
6:10 bath
6:30 E
7 or 7:10 bed usually alseep by 7:30
6am ish - wake up for the last 3 weeks, otherwise sometimes a 10 min feed around 4ish
some days the morning nap is only an hour (seems to be on the days that she has the full 2 hour A instead of 1.5 hours when she is more likely to sleep 2 hours - is that an indication that she should be on 3.5 EASY?
if she wakes up early from the PM nap then how should I play the rest of the day?
I would like to extend her wake up time to 7am, but dont know if this wold mean later bedtime, earlier bedtime or more/less naps?
would appreciate some help please