Author Topic: OK - What now? 4 HR EASY Feed but 3 HR Activity!  (Read 950 times)

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Offline Crowdermom

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OK - What now? 4 HR EASY Feed but 3 HR Activity!
« on: June 06, 2006, 14:21:32 pm »
Ok.  I have a little confusion here on what to do next.  My DD is now 16 weeks old.  About a month ago, I noticed that she was slowing down on the feeds (she's a bottle baby) and started trying to transition her over to at least a 3.5 EASY with an eye to 4 hours by now.  Well, it appears that she is ready for 4 hour feeds but isn't ready for 2 hours of activity time!  In fact, I am lucky to get 1.25 hours out of her before a meltdown.  I've tried extending her slowly by 15 minutes at a time over say, a week, and the poor kid is just miserable once we hit the 1.5  to 1.75 mark.  I keep thinking that if I just stay with it, she'll start being able to stay up longer, but it's been two weeks now and she's still pumpkining at the 1.5 mark and our EASY routine is something of a mess.  Add to this the fact that she's started busting her swaddle on a regular basis (and it's the Miracle Blanket!!) I think we are headed to extinction on that shortly...just to make things more interesting... :P

Any advice on your experiences with this would be so appreciated!!!

Offline Intransit

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Re: OK - What now? 4 HR EASY Feed but 3 HR Activity!
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2006, 02:33:56 am »
Please post your routine so we can take a look...thanks!
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Offline erinsmum36

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Re: OK - What now? 4 HR EASY Feed but 3 HR Activity!
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2006, 21:13:35 pm »
i have the same problem - my LO is 17 weeks and is happier to eat every 4 hours.
on a good day the routine is
7am E
7:40 A
8:30 S
10:30 awake
11 E
11:40 A
1 S
2 Awake (occasionally does another 2 hour nap but often only 1 hour here)
A until catnap around 5pm
5 S catnap
5:40 kick around
6:10 bath
6:30 E
7 or 7:10 bed usually alseep by 7:30
6am ish - wake up for the last 3 weeks, otherwise sometimes a 10 min feed around 4ish

some days the morning nap is only an hour (seems to be on the days that she has the full 2 hour A instead of 1.5 hours when she is more likely to sleep 2 hours - is that an indication that she should be on 3.5 EASY?
if she wakes up early from the PM nap then how should I play the rest of the day?
I would like to extend her wake up time to 7am, but dont know if this wold mean later bedtime, earlier bedtime or more/less naps?
would appreciate some help please