Author Topic: wake to sleep, pat/shush, pu/pd method  (Read 886 times)

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wake to sleep, pat/shush, pu/pd method
« on: June 11, 2006, 18:58:33 pm »
i've been reading all these different threads, trying to figure things out, but since things are still a little unclear, i'm just going to ask someone to clarify and discuss these diffferent mehtods of teaching sleep and sleeptime aides.

my LO is <3mos. and sort of follows a 3 hour easy routine, as follows
8am eat
8:30 A until sleep cues usally after an hour
9:30 nap (she use to sleep until 11, but more recently wakes at 10, then i calm her and put her down several more times until feed)
11 E
12:30S (same as above)
5 feed
6:30 catnap until7
7 cluster feed #1 <2 oz pumped milk
8 bath
8:30 quiet time
9 second cluster feed (off breast), then sleep
dreamfeed 11pm

though she's only been on this schedule for a week, things were looking bright until yesterday when she woke every two hours in the night and today when she's only been taking <45 minute naps

i haven't been able to sleep or take a break since I'm keeping a watchful eye on her to see first signs of sleepiness.  pat shush works to help her fall asleep, but what is the w2s method, and when do you use that.  also am I doing pat shush correctly (I darken her room, tell her we're getting ready for naptime/ bedtime, patting her and shushing while holding, until she closes her eyes, inwhich I very slowly lay her down- if she wakes, I put her down, and if still crying, pat shush in crib, in which she will either calm and fall asleep or start screaming.  I then pick her up and start all over...)
I am so exhausted from her short naps, I really need help because I am getting so frustrated and my patience is starting to fade.  Does anyone have this problem, or can anyone else offer some words of advice?  Anything would be much appreciated...

Offline jenlee918

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Re: wake to sleep, pat/shush, pu/pd method
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2006, 20:55:11 pm »
Thank you so much for the insight and the support.  It's good to hear that my LO (11 weeks, 12 weeks on Tuesday) is not a rarity.  I'll definitely try your suggestions.  But let me make sure, I'm understanding you correctly- if I'm cluster feeding her, I'll do that at 5 and 7, with a bedtime of 7:30pm, in this case, would you suggest that 30 minute catnap or just skip it and give her some activity and then wind her down (ie. bath, and betime ritual...) and sorry to be so neurotic with the questions.. but if I don't cluster feed her (is she too old for them?) would feed her at 5pm, go through with an Activity, and then put her to sleep at 7:30 still?   Also, can you explain the wake to sleep, that everyone is talking about?  Is that just meant to describe putting the baby in her crib when she's still awake?

Really appreciate all your help with this topic, I was so frustrated and it's really helpful for someone to help you figure things out.

Offline jenlee918

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Re: wake to sleep, pat/shush, pu/pd method
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2006, 20:57:00 pm »
oops, forgot to ask... rather than holding her to calm her down, would a dummy be appropriate in the crib when beginning to pat/shush?  or when is a dummy appropriate?

Offline Gena B

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Re: wake to sleep, pat/shush, pu/pd method
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2006, 23:31:12 pm »
I have to say that I was a bit relieved to read your post.  My baby will be 12 weeks on Friday and his napping skills have suddenly disappeared, although they were never that great.  I posted earlier today but haven't gotten any replies yet, but suffice it to say that I feel your frustration.  My LO sleeps for only 20 minutes at a time about 3 or 4 times a day.  Bedtime is really easy because he's so tired by then.  I just don't know how to get him to sleep past 20 minutes without holding him.  I'm hoping this is just something that takes was the first day I actually stayed in his room during naptime.  I really don't want to let him "cry it out" breaks my heart.  I just wanted you to know that there are more people out there that are going through exactly what you're going through.  Good luck with it all!