My spirited four month old is waking up after 45 minutes during naps and screams as he tries to soothe himself back to sleep by sucking his thumb. Trouble is that being a spirited baby, his movements are so jerky that he can't keep his thumb in his mouth and he ends up in an all out rage cry. I have tried shh/pat and pu/pd but because i have twins, I cannot consistently devote so much time to these methods of getting him back to sleep. I am assuming that he needs more sleep because he wakes up so unhappy and it takes a long while to calm him down. W2S is occasionally successful. Bedtime has now become a nightmare too, taking up to a hour of intense crying and soothing to get him to sleep - I assume he's overtired from so many struggles during the daytime naps. I feel that if I could better gage his window I could put him down at the right time, but being spirited, he seems to get more and more energized as activity time goes on, rather than tired. Does anyone else have trouble reading a spirited baby's sleepy signs? Any advice on getting him down for naps and staying down for naps more sucessfully?
Ethan (Textbook/Touchy) and Lucas (Spirited), 4 mo