Hi my LO started sleeping thru from approx 7pm to 6.30am when she was about 11 weeks old....just before she turned 5mths she started waking...I could only settle her with a feed and also tried teething powder...about a fortnight later 2 teeth popped thru. The waking has continued and she is now just under 6mths. She wakes twice a night and I am not sure if feeding her or giving her the powder is the right thing to be doing! My LO is always happy to take food so not sure how hungry she actually is! She is 4hrly thru the day. She can seem quite playful in the night, but will cry in her cot till we go to her, if I try to put her back down without a feed she crys again. Once fed, goes down happily chatting. Tends to be waking about 11pm and 4am - upping her 4 feeds a day to 6....I am worried I am over feeding!
How old is your child? 6mths
What’s his/her daily routine? EASY 4hrly
What’s nap routine? 2 x 2hr naps - morning and lunchtime and a 30min nap at teatime
How long are naps?
What's bedtime routine? Time?
Do you bottle or breastfed?? Breastfeed
How much? or how long? Four hourly, approx 15mins.
If breastfed.. one side or both?? (at each feed) Usually both
How many wakes per night? Two
What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up? Starts off by sounding like playing then starts to cry/occasionally cry straight away. If feed her will be back down within 30mins, if not can go on for over an hour.
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry? Leave her to start with as sounds like mantra cry and has gone back off once or twice but wakes again an hour later. Usually wide awake when go in.
What have you tried to settle?? Feeding, Teething powder, nappy change, cuddles.
What do you do for A time and how long is it? Talk to her, play gym, tummy time, reading, walks in pushchair
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? Two teeth thru at 5mths.
Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? (for LO’s under 6 months) Today tried cereal for 1st time - 3tsps once a day. Has been having fruit puree or veg puree for about 3weeks.
Do they have a prop? If so what is it? occasionally takes dummy, night time only and she spits it out once just about sleep and doesnt cry for it once out.
Do they have a lovie? Has a wee bunny with her in car seat or pushchair. Tends to play with hands or your hands if you are in settling her, or will play with the dummy. Usually wrapped though as otherwise she uses hands so much she cant go off to sleep.