Author Topic: 7 months and still waking every two or three hours  (Read 1135 times)

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Offline smiletoday

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7 months and still waking every two or three hours
« on: July 16, 2006, 18:19:04 pm »
 :(  :( ???

I do know what to do!!! I need some rest and please some direction. We EBF

Right now his rountine is

WAKE 6:30/ 7
PLAY 7- 8:30
EAT solids at 8:30
PLAY 8:50 - 9:30
(sometimes nurse before sleep but keep him awake)
SLEEP 10- 10:45 45 min
PLAY 10:50 - 12:30
EAT BF 12:30( keep him awake sometimes it is so hard
SLEEP 12:45 - 2:15/ 2:30 1.5 hours
PLAY- 2:30- 4:30
EAT Nurse 4:30- 45
PLAY- 4:45- 5:00
SLEEP- 5- 5:45
(looking to have solids here) at 6
BEDTIME ROUNTINE starts at 6:30
Rocker into crib sleepy 7:15/ 7:30

I have been doing the Gentle Removal and it works great most of the time. I think I see improvement then we get back to square one. Sometimes he goes to sleep without nursing and other times he screams and screams till I nurse him. :'( :'(
smile today you woke up and you have a beautiful lo

Offline tryinghard

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Re: 7 months and still waking every two or three hours
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2006, 06:41:59 am »
It's very hard- I know. I would put him for 1st nap earlier- 9 if woke at 6.30- 9.30 if woke at 7 (watch his sleepy cues) All the naps should move earlier- maybe that late nap is interfering with his night sleep. If the catnap is needed- if it's earlier- so if he is waking no later than about 4.30- 7.30 bedtime should be a- ok. How many breastfeeds per day? do u have enough milk 4 him? Do u give formula? Basically, only nurse him if he is hungry and if that is the case, up his food in the day. Do u give Dreamfeed? How much solids per day? I think this is a case of food management then u should see his night wakings improve. But u have to break the nurse to sleep habit otherwise he'll keep waking frequently.

Offline smiletoday

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Re: 7 months and still waking every two or three hours
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2006, 02:12:48 am »
Thanks for your response. I have tried switching to two naps. So right now he is doing one in the morning and the afternoon both 1.5 for the most part. I have extended them going in before he wakes up. Right now we breastfeed 5 times in a day and we only do solids in the morning. He had pretty bad reflux so we are moving slow. No dreamfeed.  I know I add to his night wakings by going in to soon but it is so hard. Do you have any other suggestions as to how to break the nurse to sleep association. thanks again
smile today you woke up and you have a beautiful lo

Offline tryinghard

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Re: 7 months and still waking every two or three hours
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2006, 03:13:39 am »
Hi Smiletoday- sometimes 'fresh eyes' help detect something that is hard to see yourself- believe me I am no expert but looking over your post might be easier for me to pick up on something. SO this is what I see: Your ds is HUNGRY.The 12.30BF should be followed by play b4 sleep so ur not BF to sleep. The 2 naps of 1.5 naps sounds excellent. It seems to me ur baby screams because he is still hungry (Is he average weight for his age?) . Sure I dont know all ur circumstances but: do u give any medication for reflux? becoz if he's in pain/discomfort nothing else will change until u address this. At his age my lo was on solids 3 times per day. Is ur milk supply good? Stick to a definite eat-play-sleep routine. Can he fall asleep on his own yet? ?If he can, then my opinion is his frequent wakings are due to hunger. I would be looking at solids 3 times a day- but like I said b4 maybe there are circumstances I am not aware of.