My son was a champion napper until last week. As soon as I saw tired signs, I would swaddle him, put him down, and he'd be asleep with minimal intervention within 15 minutes. Last week, that all changed. It now can take 45 minutes, a ton of shh-patting, and I've even resorted to giving him a bottle a few times. He doesn't seem totally unhappy in his crib, he just makes A LOT of noise and switches among yawning, yelping, and laughing. We were swaddling him, but he has found his fingers and seems to enjoy sucking on them so we stopped. It's probably worth mentioning that he had some massive overstimulation recently as we were hosting seven visitors from overseas. It didn't interfere with his routine, but as soon as they left the napping problems began.
Everything else is going well. He sleeps very well at night, eats well, is still on a 3-hour routine (despite his napping issues of late), and naps for 1-2 hours once he's finally asleep.
Any thoughts? Any guidance?