Oh, do I have some interesting tidbits! Since I started this posting, I had this nagging feeling in the back of my brain that we need to start LO on solids. He was 18lbs. at 4 months. Last week I took him to the Dr. and when I told her he was taking 8oz. every 4 hours and was taking 45 minute naps, she said to start him on solids and the naps would improve. Was she ever right! The first day we gave him solids, in the afternoon, it was such a little amount, like 1 tsp. of rice with 3 tsp. of formula. He took is great and didn't spit up anything. The next day we did it again, but in the afternoon and evening. Then we went to Grandma & Grandpa's and Mum said to give solids in the morning and more than 1 tsp. We gave 1 Tbsp. of rice and he slept for 2 hours!! The last 4 days he's done this! The wierd part is, is that he was tired after only being up 45 minutes! He had never shown tired signs this early before. We also went back to swaddling, so I don't know if the combination of all these things was what did it, but I am tempted to believe it is the solids. Yesterday we just did the twice a day of feeding solids, but 2 hours after the second bottle of the day, of 8 oz., he was starving. He took 6 oz. more of formula!! So, we figure he needs solids three times a day. So far today, he's done great. Granted, I gave a bit less of solids at the second bottle.
So, I just thought I'd let you all know what happened ... we were SHOCKED at the 2 hour nap .... let's hope it continues!! Off to the feeding solids board I go ... no idea what or how much to feed him when he starts to want more! I know Tracy doesn't advocate starting solids this early, but in the BWSAYP book, she does have an example of a 4 month old starting solids because he was 17lbs.
Thanks for all the help and advice!!