Hi Keira's mummy
My question is... is she actually getting hungry during the day and that's why she wants the dummy all day? Am I confusing her signals? This morning she fed on both breasts rather than just one and has now been asleep for almost 1.25 hours whereas most day naps I'm lucky to get 40 minutes from her.
It might well be that she is getting ready to move to 2 breasts which isn't uncommon and isn't a reflection on you having supply problems. (In her first book, Tracy says it happens for many people when their baby reaches about 12lbs but it can happen before or after.) Yes, some people continue with single-sided feeding for ages but some also begin with double sided and never think anything of it (the La Leche League is usually a fan of double-sided feeding from the beginning). What needs to be remembered is that if both breasts are 'finished' and your baby still needs more (a worry for many - it's rare- but might happen during a growth spurt for instance). Then you can always go back to the first one again and there will be a new letdown (not with much foremilk but slow rich hindmilk).
And I really wouldn't go by the 'feeling full' thing. Honestly. When breastfeeding is getting established your breasts are full of extra blood and lymph fluid (it's only partly to do with milk). After a few weeks the breasts 'settle down' into milk production and this fullness lessens. Many people panic at this point (and panic if they've stopped leaking which often happens around the same time) but it a
natural stage. You are bound to feel engorged in the morning after such a long interval but I would not worry about not feeling full during the day.
On the question of the dummy in all honesty a baby's sucking reflex is closely tied up with their hunger signs and it is sometimes possible for a young baby to take a dummy and stretch to the next feed when it might be a good idea to offer the breast (good for your supply and for her). The dummy is a useful tool especially at night but it
can sometimes prevent your reading your baby's language. I would say as a rough guide - with her history - I would expect her to be feeding every 2.5-3 hours during the day. If she's going a
lot longer than 3 hours I would be tempted to offer the breast. It would depend on things like her weight gain/ current weight.