Hello everybody,
Ive read all your messages since the beginning and they really helped me out. In the way that I have a baby boy, he is 3 weeks old now and the problem is that he started having a lot of reflux so the doctor said to give him a medicine called Gaviscon at the end of the bf, that helped a little bit, but the problem was that he didn't gained a lot of weight since we came out of the maternity, so we started giving him formula after breastfeeding, it is a special formula AR. He seems to appreciate both, he is not denying the breast nor the bottle, so I think is OK. It is still hard for me to read his cues, as is my first one and it is not easy.
So coming back to the point, I feel as well everyday bad of giving him formula, as apparently my milk is not enough and for me it is like I'm not the best mom because I'm giving him formula. But anyway, at night I give him just my breast and he is vomiting everything, so I think at the end I will continue sometimes to give him my breast combined with the gaviscon and then the formula. I feel like the whole day I'm sterilising the bottles the pump and that back again I'm pumping a little bit of my milk to give the gaviscon and then the formula.
Well, I wanted to share this.