Author Topic: Letters from Tracy  (Read 28736 times)

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Letters from Tracy
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2005, 03:22:23 am »
I just joined this group a few days ago and haven't completed the book yet.  I was shocked to hear of Tracy Hogg's passing.  It is sad when anyone has to leave us.  From the letters above and the posts I have read it seems that Tracy was a very special person.  Although it is very late, my heart goes out to her family.
dd-Chantal Nivene born 18/09/04

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Re: Letters from Tracy
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2007, 15:29:05 pm »
I was never one of the lucky ones to have met Tracy, sadly. However, while reading her books, I feel as if she's standing behind me instructing me on how to swaddle Ella correctly. I have the audio cd of her first book, and it's kinda strange to hear her voice.
We miss you, Tracy. R.I.P.

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Re: Letters from Tracy
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2007, 18:34:09 pm »
WOW!  These letters just about moved me to tears...  :'( :'( :'(

I feel like I know her and reading the letters just reinforced that feeling...
It was a shock for me to find out (upon joining this site) that she had passed on... I was so looking forward to actually getting to correspond with her first-hand.

My thoughts and prayers are with her family and are for Tracy's eternal happiness and peace now.

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Offline mjkuebler

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Re: Letters from Tracy
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2009, 01:00:27 am »
So it's is 2009 and I am writing my first post.  I loved everybody elses.  This has brought me to tears and I feel stupid for not thanking someone who has helped me so much.  I thought being a parent was easy the first couple of years.  And know it gets a little more complicated.  And I am learning alot.  IT doesn't ever get easier.  Sometimes you just get peace.  I am grateful to tracey and I know she is watching over me.  I would like to repurchase her book,just to have a friend to talk to, since I gave me other book away.  I am grateful for my children, they are a gift from God.  And I am confident this sight will go on, I would feel privledged to meet her daughters.  Tracey,  I am a crying today over the loss of you and everybody else of lost in my life.  Thank you for writing your book!!!!!! Love You from a young mom who wanted to do better than her parents but ended up turning into her parents