Author Topic: Weird Night Wakings all of a sudden  (Read 949 times)

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Offline Grace's Mom

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Weird Night Wakings all of a sudden
« on: August 25, 2006, 12:10:53 pm »
How old is your child?  4 Months and almost 4 weeks (Next Saturday she'll be 5 months old)
What’s his/her daily routine?  She just moved herself cold turkey to a 4 hour EASY about 2 weeks ago. 
Wakes 6:30/7am
Eats 7am
Sleep from 9-11
Eats 11am
Sleeps from 1:00-2:40ish
Eats 3pm
Cat Nap from 5:00-5:30
To Bed by 7pm

What’s nap routine?  Diaper change, sing a song, swaddle, paci and she's asleep. She won't sleep out usually, so 99% of naps take place in crib
How long are naps? 1st on is usually around 2 hours, 2nd one she only sleeps 1.5 -1.75 hours, Cat Nap - she wakes after 30 minutes or so
What's bedtime routine? Time?  Bed around 7pm - 6:15 eat, Bath, PJ's, Finish bottle while singing, reading, kiss good night, lay in crib (unswaddled).  She will sometimes talk to herself for 15-30 minutes then falls asleep.
Do you bottle or breastfed??  Bottle
How much? or how long?  5-6 oz first 3 bottles, 8oz bedtime bottle, no dream feed, wakes once and we give 4oz

How many wakes per night?  just once from 7-7 usually.  Lately she wake up an hour or two after going to sleep.  I think that might be related to teething.
What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up? The last two nights, she has woken, talked to herself for awhile, then started crying, so I fed her, put her down and she won't go back to sleep like usual.  She usually goes back after about 5-10 minutes, but now she just talks, then fusses then cries.  She may have gone back to sleep for 30 minutes or so but it's hard to tell as I don't go in unless she is crying. 
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry?  Not sure
What have you tried to settle??  Pick, make sure it's not a burp, lay back down, rub belly, give paci. 
What do you do for A time and how long is it?  A time after bottle till the 2 hour mark or until she gets tired.  We sit her up for 30 minutes or so after she eats (acid reflux), tummy time, rolling time, johnny jump up, we go for a walk every morning (Usually), sits in bumbo
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? she may be teething???, she also just started to somewhat roll (she has only done it 3 times in the last week or so.
Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? Just twice we gave it to her, we may start giving her just a tablespoon of cereal once a day.
Do they have a prop? If so what is it?  At night she really doesn't have a prop.  The paci isn't something she needs at night.
Do they have a lovie? No

My issue at the moment is that she won't go back to sleep after she wakes for her one feed at night.  I don't know what is causing her to be so awake all of a sudden. Now that she is on a 4 hour EASY she is sleeping less during the day by about 30 minutes to an hour so I don't think she is napping too much.  She does also, once in awhile wake a short while after we put her to bed crying.  We pick her up and comfort her and she goes back to sleep.  I heard that when they are teething they can be woken up by the pain, that may be the cause of that.  I am just so exhausted from her not going to back to sleep.  Two nights ago she woke at 4:30 and didn't go back to sleep until 6am and then woke right back up at 7.  Last night she woke at 5:30 and I am not sure if she went back to sleep.  I heard her talking/fussing until 6 and then heard her again at 6:30 so she may have fallen asleep for just a few minutes but its hard to tell. After a few minutes of her talking she starts to fuss and then it escalates into a cry.  Should I go in?
Is there anything I can do to help her??  I tried giving her the paci but she wouldn't really take it so I know that is not the issue.

I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline Lana

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Re: Weird Night Wakings all of a sudden
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2006, 16:37:32 pm »
I would hazard a guess that she has something going on either the teething or developmentally.  All you can do is remain consistent and it will work out in the end.  Its what I keep telling myself ;).

Maybe she needs more formula at night.  If she is going that long with out I would probably go with 6 ounces.  Maybe she can't settle cause she is still hungry?

Offline Grace's Mom

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Re: Weird Night Wakings all of a sudden
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2006, 17:09:41 pm »
Thanks Lana....I will try to give her more food when she wakes.  The last two nights however she didn't even finish 4oz.  Usually she drinks it right down but she hasn't been too hungry lately.  The hard part about giving her more food in the am is that by the time she wake 1 - 2 hours later she drinks only 2oz for her 7am feed.  I try to give her more and more oz through out the first hour or so and sometimes I can get in 5-6 oz but not the past couple of days.

Thanks again...we'll be consistant.

I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline Lana

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Re: Weird Night Wakings all of a sudden
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2006, 17:15:29 pm »
Well if she is not finishing then I would start to make it smaller.  Like only offer 3 ounces for a few days and then 2 and then 1 she may stop waking cause it is not worth waking for. 

{{{{HUGS}}}} I know it is hard.  We are in the middle of a lot of developmental milestones here and I spent two hours with B last night :'(