I recently posted about my DS not taking his bottles, and it was suggested that I try reducing to 3 a day (one is a breastfeed, first thing in the morning). Because he is still sometimes only taking maybe 3oz for his 11am and 3pm bottles, I thought I would try the following (give or take half an hour or so):-
7.00am Wake and breastfeed
8.00am Breakfast (cereal with 2oz formula mixed with fruit, finger of toast or a few oat hoops and water)
9.30am Nap
11.00am Snack (cubes of fruit, cheese, rice cracker, etc and water)
12.30pm Bottle (6-8oz)
1.30pm Lunch (savoury + dessert + few nibbles of finger food)
2.00pm Nap
4.00pm Snack (cubes of fruit, cheese, rice cracker, etc and water)
5.00pm Dinner (savoury dish or sandwiches + dessert and water)
6.00pm Bath, massage, jammies
6.40pm Bottle (6-8oz)
7.00pm Bed
I haven't got a clue how many ounces he gets for his breastfeed - he usually feeds for about 10 minutes each side.
Does this look OK in terms of how much he is getting? I'd like to give it a try today to see if he takes all of his bottle at 12.30pm. What happens if he still doesn't take his full bottle? How long do I persevere before rethinking?
Many thanks! I'm so glad to have all of you for advice!