Hi mums,
I would like to congratulate you for the great job you are doing here!!. i always read your posts but up to now never leave any post. It was enough for me reading this web site and Tracy's books but now I am desperate and find no explanation or solutions for the nights waking of my baby.
My baby is almost 8 months old. Since 2 months he has been in structured routine and sleeping through the night, no night wakings!!! With 5 months he started to wake up maybe once or twice at night but falling back to sleep immediately without any props. He never slept with my breast, not in our arms, always in his crib.
Since 5 days ago he is waking several times in the night !! He returns to sleep but I have to sit besides his crib and tell him everything is OK. Usually when he wake up he turns on his bailly and then he stays in this position till I put him on his back (I don't know why he doesn't turn himself because he knows how to do it). This morning I was so tired that my husband went to our baby's bedroom and he wanted to play with dad!!! Then I was 1 1/2 h to put him back to sleep.
I only find the explanation of teething but I don't see his gums inflamed altough I can see the first teeth behind the gums. And so much pain he doesn't have since he only scream when he wake up but then he is OK when I am there with him.
I am not used to night wakings, neither my husband and we get worried about what happenned with Agustin, why he can not rest like before. Is it because he has so much activity moving around the house??
OK , Here I will answer your questions and give my baby routine.
How old is your child? 7 months and 3 weeks
What’s his/her daily routine?
E: 7 am: wake up and bottle 230 ml
A: 7:30 am play
S: 9:30 nap 1 1/2 h or 2 h
E: 11:30 veggies with or without meat
A: 12pm play
S: 13:30 pm nap 1 1/2h or 2 h (depend on the first one)
E: 15:00 pm bottle 230 ml and some fruits
A: play
S: 17:30 pm catnap (but the last week he is not doing it anymore)
E: 18:30 cereals
A: bath, some soft music...
S: 19:30 pm or 20:00 pm
What’s nap routine?
How long are naps? Naps are OK, we overcome the 45 min naps 2 months GOP. But we he was napping so badly, he was sleeping better during the night
What's bedtime routine? Time? I told you in the routine
Do you bottle or breastfed?? Bottle
How much? or how long? 500 ml /day
If breastfed.. one side or both?? (at each feed) I stopped breast feeding at 6 months
How many wakes per night? now 4 or 5 or 6 times
What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up? He screams and some times he stays up a few minutes and sometimes till 30 min or like last night almost 2 h
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry? When it is a mantra cry I wait a few seconds and he coninues sleeping but when he is really fussing or crying if don't go it is worse and then takes him longer to come back to sleep. If I leave and he is not yet in dreamland he cries again.
What have you tried to settle?? Just shhhhh and put my hand on his chest. I never used pu/pd because he never really needed it. If he cries I sing very softly and he calms and tries to sleep.
What do you do for A time and how long is it? he plays on his own for about 1 hour and then I play with him or whe go to supermarket or to the squre to see another kids.
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? I told before, I don't know if he is teething or not. he is salivating a lot but since 2 months ago and no teeth yet.
Do they have a prop? If so what is it? Well, his "prop" can be the pacifier. But I don't see it rellay like a prop because he need it only to calm and put him to sleep, then he spit it out and he used to sleep the all night without need it again since he was 1 month old. He only use it for sleep not longer than 15 min.
Well, sorry if this is long but I really need your comments and help. And I apologised because my english is not perfect but my mother tongue is spanish.
Thanks very much in advance.