Author Topic: what should i do?  (Read 644 times)

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Offline babyjtime

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what should i do?
« on: September 18, 2006, 16:12:52 pm »
i have one daughter, jeena.. she was born january 20th this year... so just about 8 months...

here's what's going on (point form might be easier to read!!)
- has never slept more than 3 hours at night
- has two 1 hour (or shoter!) naps a day.. sometimes a third in the early evening
- we have a swing/bath/feeding/rock/sleep routine
- her bedtime seems to be 10-11 p.m.
- she has always fell asleep on our shoulders/in our arms and put down in her crib when she's totally asleep (for naps and bedtime)
- if she isn't totally asleep when we put her down, she screams until we pick her up.. as soon as we pick her up she stops screaming and falls back to sleep instantly
- have tried to rub her back, say it's okay when she screams in her crib but she'll sit up right away and continue screaming, not stay laying down
- she is eating 2-3 meals of rice/fruit/veggies.. usually early afternoon and evening
- i am breastfeeding.. when she wakes up at night i can nurse her back to sleep in about 2 minutes
- she will not take a bottle or a pacifier
- she had strep throat 2 weeks ago, followed by a cold for a week.. during that time she became mama's girl and slept in bed with me.. but she has her naps in her crib (in her room)

any suggestions?

thanks for any help!!

delia :)

« Last Edit: September 18, 2006, 16:18:49 pm by babyjtime »
Delia :)

Mama to Miss Jeena!!

Offline Missy Lou

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Re: what should i do?
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2006, 00:40:17 am »
i'm sorry jeena felt so bad.  i've had strep and i was SO unhappy.  is she feeling better? 

is she on a routine during the day? 

do you have any of tracy's books? 