My doctor was a bit concerned about DD's weight. She was born pretty big, 8.3lbs, but now at 7mos is only 14lbs. She has gone from the 50th percentile, to the 20th. She wants to see us in 6 weeks to make sure she is growing at a steady pace. My DD is very active and currently learning to crawl. The doctor didn't offer too much as far as feeding advice... please let me know if you think this is enough....
Thanks very much
A typical day:
3-4 breastfeeds per day + 1 bottle formula 6oz before bed
Breakfast 1/4 cup cereal, 3/4 of a banana or 1cube fruit
Lunch, 2 cubes veg, 1 cube fruit, 1/8 cup cereal
Dinner, 2 cube veg, 1 cube fruit, 1/8 cup cereal,
Baby cookie for a snack
Recently have started giving yogurt with dinner, and today tried tofu (liked it) and cottage cheese (didn't like it).