Author Topic: Me and Big Brother Desperate for help and sleep !!!! - Night Waking 5 mth  (Read 968 times)

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Offline freckamac

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Our whole family is having a hard time!
Our 5 mth old moved to share a bedroom with his older brother (3 yr) one month ago.
He had been sleeping through the night for about 4 weeks before this, thanks to Pat and Shush. I had also been DFing for a few weeks.
2 weeks ago, and 2 weeks after starting to share his brother's room, he started waking one hour after the DF and was unsettled for much of the night. I thought it was upsetting his tummy/giving him gas so I dropped it. All was well for a couple of nights - no feed from 8.30pm til 8am, no  problem, with Finn waking consistently at 7am.
For the last 7-10 days he has been waking often between 2am and 5am, eventually going back to sleep with P & S but only for 30 - 45 minutes b4 waking again. Sometimes he is so noisy I have to take him from the room and bring him back. His poor brother is so patient but very tired, with all the activity.
His napping is great, he has a good routine during the day and I'm at a loss!! We don't have another bedroom he can sleep in. I don't want to move him back to ours as he will have to sleep in this room and I want to be consistent,
I don't automatically feed him as soon as he wakes during the day, as he is sooo big and frankly greedy. The ped advised I wait until he is actually hungry - usually 30 min - hour after waking.
He happily waits until 8am for his first feed, having last eaten 11 hours earlier so I don't think he's waking through hunger. What do you think? Should I reinstate the DF?

Quick rundown of info list...
How old is your child? 5 mths
What’s his/her daily routine?
 6.30 - 7.00  wake
7.00 - 7.30 play at breakfast table
7.40 - 8.00 walk to cafe
8am Bottle
8.30 - 9.00 walk home
9am - 10.30 Nap in crib
10.30 - 11.30 Floor play
11.30 Bottle
11.45 - 12.30 activity
12.45 - 2.00/2.30 Nap in crib
2.00 - 3.00 Activity
3.00 Bottle
3.30 -4.30 Activity
4.30- 6.00 Nap in crib
6.30, 7.30 8.30 cluster feed
8.00 bath, music books
8.30 bed

What’s nap routine? 9am, 12.45, 4.30
How long are naps? 1 - 1.5hrs
What's bedtime routine? Time? 8.30-8.45. Bottle, Books with older brother. Bath
musiic & bottle in dim room
Do you bottle or breastfed?? Bottle
How much? or how long? 5oz/feed
How many wakes per night? 4-6
What’s your LO like when waking at night? Fussing loudly, waving arms kicking legs strongly. Not sustained wailing (sharing room!)
How long is he/she up? 10-15mins
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Yes
What have you tried to settle?? PAT & SHUSH, PACI, pu,pd
What do you do for A time and how long is it? Stroller walks, floor play, music, books
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? Teething signs for 2-3 mths but no teeth!
Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? (for LO’s under 6 months) No - Ped says doesn't need it yet. Above 95th%
Do they have a prop? If so what is it? Swaddling - tried to wean off, one limb at a tme but sleeps shorter time and won't go back to sleep after night wakeneings if not swaddled.
Do they have a lovie? Yes

Offline cathbilson

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Hon - I don't know. My Lo is just the same, 5 months this weekend. Quite a few of us are going through it, come join us at the May/June '06 birth club! It seems to be something they go through between 4 and 6 months, people are telling me that it usually improves by 6 months and I'm desperately praying they're right...

We may not be able to help but we'll at least lend a sympathetic ear.

Mum to Kieran (born 10 May 2006)

Offline Jonahs Mom

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Man, am I ever at a loss of words. Our ds is doing the same thing and he will be 6 months next week. He has only been doing it for 3 nights though. I use the word 'only' very loosley....
The only thing that I can think of that is different with my LO and yours is that maybe he is ready to drop the last nap and lengthen the other 2? Example: two 2 hour naps?