Hi Kathrynk,
My dd (10months also) is the exact same as your dd. She just refuses her bed time bottle....sometimes just taking 2onz and then in the morning she will only take 4onz (i make up 8onz)...which amazes me because she should be really hungry after sleeping all night...but i give her a break of an hour and she will take some more milk and the rest of it goes into her breakfast. Like you i get very stressed out over it. I'm wondering too whether to give up her lunch time bottle (i make up 5onz....sick of wasting milk
) but i'm afraid that if i do that she still won't take her bedtime bottle and then she will have taken even less milk...
its soo bleeding confusing isn't it.
I've been contemplating on changing her meals around.....like giving her a light lunch at 12.30 and dinner at 5.30....thinking that by giving her a dinner in the evening it will fill her up more for the night...but lately she has been gone off her meals....two top teeth are just ready to pop out. Maybe the bottles are hurting her when she sucks................ohhh do you know what, i really think i'm loosing it...maybe i'm worrying too much and should let her eat/drink what she wants....as you say, babies don't know how to starve themselves and will eat when they are hungry.