My son has always been a SUPER eater. he ate every puree i made and has so far eaten every proper dish i make for him. Lately he's started to become fussy and has screaming fits in his highchair. He loves feeding himself so for about a month ive been making things that he can pick up and eat. he will eat anything that i give him, apart from any cooked veges that are on his plate. its so strange because as soon as he puts the vege in his mouth (i.e. broccoli, carrot etc.) he spits it out, has a fit, and then after that refused to eat anything else. if i just gave him the fish cakes or chicken balls then he would be fine.
I dont know what to do as i know i need to get fairly strict and not just run for the yoghurt and banana as i know he will eat it. i am wondering if its teething thats causing the feeding problems (he has 1 up the top and 1 down the bottom about to break out) or if its the fact that he knows yoghurt and banana will follow.
Does anybody else have this problem, and would you just give them what they eat (i.e. fish cakes and no veg) or keep trying with the vege's and hope he breaks one day and just has them ?
thanks for your help.
Louise x