Author Topic: Should I invest in a new pram late in the game?  (Read 1696 times)

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Should I invest in a new pram late in the game?
« on: November 05, 2006, 08:16:55 am »
Hello! Thank goodness the website is up and running again!! Im not sure where to post this question, so.....I am thinking of investing in a new pram but am undecided as they are so blooming expensive. My son is now 10 and a half months old (and walking with his cart), but loves sitting in the pram. He does not however sleep or nap in it and I am wondering if he is plainly just not comfortable in it. It is a combi pram which was fabulous when he was a wee thing. It can be made into a lounging position but I think the problem is that there is a coupe thing that comes over the top which does not really provide any darkness or cosiness.So to cut a long story short- would anyone consider investing in a new pram at this stage when he will be soon wanting to walk everywhere? Thanks for any advice.

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Re: Should I invest in a new pram late in the game?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2006, 08:42:01 am »
really depends on the child how long they will use a stroller for and how active/walking you are... My 3 yo still loves to go in the stroller and if i don't take a double out sometimes i have a fight on my hand as they both are climbing in the seat. other times neither kid wants to be in it and i put the bags in it like a cart  ;D  i think their moods and energy levels vary so much it is always good to have at least a good lightweight stroller on hand for anythign from travelling, to going for walks or shopping trips  HTH  you don't need to buy an expensive pram stroller deal, at this stage in the game i woudl just get a good lightweight along the lines of a maclaren that will recline at least a little (he might nap in it eventually if you are out for a whole day...)
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Re: Should I invest in a new pram late in the game?
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 01:12:47 am »
I think you're bound to get at least another year of use out of it, if not more -- also, if you're thinking this one won't be your last, you can definitely get use out of it from another child (or you might have a relative/friend who would appreciate it when you're done).  I would say before buying another one, take DS to the store with you and try him out in a bunch of different ones to see what he likes best.

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Re: Should I invest in a new pram late in the game?
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2006, 10:56:51 am »
We bought a buggy for Harvey when he was 10 months old and used it pretty much up until Theo was born. Harvey hasn't used the buggy since he was 25 months but we did get a good use out of it. Saying that, Theo now uses the buggy, so if you plan on having anymore kids and your prams are in good condition then you could always use them for your 2nd child.


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Re: Should I invest in a new pram late in the game?
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2006, 11:30:20 am »
We invested in a light weight stroller at 12months .Like you we had a combi pram but it was heavy and without the foot muff in he was sliding down too much , so it wasn't so good in the summer .The  stroller has been one of our best buys as it's light , has rain cover and wind cover.It reclines for naps too . We don't use it as much now but if we go for a full day out i always take it as Ryan will nap comfortable in it for the same length of time as a nap in his bed .Your LO may not nap in a pram now but later on he may do .
 Once Ryan was walking he did want to walk everywhere and the stroller ended up carrying the shopping for a long time , but they do get tired. Like PP said you can always use it for more kids too .I know ours is in good condition and can be used again
[img width= height=][/img]Ryan James 9 Nov 2003

[img width= height=][/img]

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Re: Should I invest in a new pram late in the game?
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2006, 12:53:26 pm »
What I am wondering about, personally, is the weight restriction. DS has just turned 2 and is weighing about 13 kg. The maximum recommend weight according to the manufacturer is about 15 kg. I would like to keep the stroller until he's 3 because I can't see myself running after my toddler with 2 bags of shopping in my hand. Is it safe to ignore the weight restriction ? DH hates grocery shopping so the stroller is usually weighted down anyway as DS and I do the shopping together

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Re: Should I invest in a new pram late in the game?
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2006, 15:07:37 pm »
thank you all! shall take these ideas to the shops!