To be more clear, she is drinking every 4 hours. I put her one a 4 hour routine because she was snacking at the breast on 3 hour routine. Since she is on 4 hrs. she drink more efficiency. She drink fine, she wet 6-8 dipper/day .
Between feeds, she has her activity time and sleep whitout requesting the breast. When she feed, she empty totally my breast and I think if I would her more she would drink it. Yesterday, after her 10h00 feed, she feed both side then she request more. I give her 2 oz of BM and she was still hungry after!
At 2 mouths she weights 11 lbs and at 4 months 12 lbs. This is not very much...She was at the 50th percentile and now she is at the 15 th percentile. I think the Dr. thought was to increase her weight by the fact to start solid while my milk supply will increase.
Even, if I pump one hour after feed, I'm not able to get more then 1,5 oz. For the dream feed, I give about 3 oz of BM and 1.5 oz of formula in a bottel.
What else I cant do?