DD is 8 months old and has developed separation anxiety. At night she would scream as soon as we leave the room, we put her down and pat/shush, but as soon as we stop she picks her head up and cries again. We tried wi/wo, but as soon as we begin to leave she starts screaming again (she used to go to sleep on her own). In the past 3 days it took about 40 minutes until she finally went to sleep.
In the past couple of nights she woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep for 2 and a half hours. Both DH and myself felt very helpless, we had no idea how to get her back to sleep. We tried not to pick her up too much and mostly pat/shush and say calming words. We couldn't even leave the room for a second, as soon as we left she clinged on the bars of the crib and screamed (as if she was in prison..). After 2 hours of crying we fed her (I know it's a no no, but we were helpless, anyways she went to sleep 30 minutes later).
During the day she wouldn't let us/the nanny stop patting her back until she's completely asleep and she doesn't nap much anymore (today, she only had two 30 minutes naps, this has also started in the past few days). I'm sure this is also affecting her night sleep due to overtiredness.
This could also be a developmental stage as she keeps trying to stand in her crib.
We both feel very clueless and tired. We'd be happy with any suggestions. I pasted her usual routine below.
Thanks a lot,
W: 6:30
E: 7:00 (6oz)
E: 8:30 cereal,yogurt,fruit
S: 9:30-10:30
E: 11:00 (6oz)
E: 12:30 veggies
S: 14:00-15:30
E: 15:30 (6oz)
E: 16:30/17:30 fruits/veggies
E: 18:30 (6oz)
S: 19:00