Well, first of all take a deep breath and realize that if she's such a happy smily little girl, you must be doing a lot right, so you are not failing her horribly. Sure there are things you could improve, but don't beat yourself up. You're trying to do better for her NOW and that is what is important!
Ok, I do not have a lot of time, but I think the most important thing to start with is her ability to sleep without nursing to sleep. So I think you need to start just decreasing the minutes you feed her before a nap or bedtime. You have probably trained her to be hungry at that time, so I wouldn't quit cold turkey, but I would start straight away timing those nursing times before naps and getting them shorter and shorter each day. When you said you can't put her in her crib awake, I think what you want to do is think this "I've taught her a certain way to go to sleep and when I change that, she expresses anger, frustration, sadness." This is not to blame yourself but just to understand from her perspective, "Hey, my mom taught me one thing and now she's switching it up...I'll not have it!" So you have to go gradually and teach her a NEW way.
I promise I can help more, just don't have the time on the comp. right now. Maybe that will get you started, though.