Author Topic: Problems with sibling waking  (Read 700 times)

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Offline Fenella

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Problems with sibling waking
« on: November 22, 2006, 19:41:38 pm »
Jack is now 3 years old and as we started easy at 6 weeks he has slept thru since 10 weeks other than the odd night.  I now have a 5 month old baby who despite being on EASY since a week old still doesn't sleep through largely due to reflux.  Although they do not share a room there rooms are next to each other and i have noticed that when lo wakes for a feed Jack will wake 45 mins later wide awake but easy to settle then will wake again 1 hour later.  This wouldn't be a problem but i cannot cope with 2 waking any ideas?  Tonight i have brought formula into his room ready to add to bottle as i think jack might here me going down stairs.
Mum to Jack 16.09.03
Mum to Luke 20.06.06

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Re: Problems with sibling waking
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2006, 20:26:28 pm »
I wouldn't start with something you're not willing to continue doing, that is if you offer milk in the middle of the night as a quick fix then it might become an issue itself that can take long to break.

Have you tried white noise or some other type of noise to mask lo's cries? i live in a pretty loud neighborhood (lots of teens hanging out till late hours in the night, lots of doors slamming... you get the point). I put on baby einstein's and raymond lap's music on from the moment i start wind down for lo. It pretty much masks any outside noise (or at least makes it less stressing when for example are fireworks or something, the music on helps ds not to wake so soon). Some moms around here with your same problem have used white noise machines or even fans (not really what i'd suggest in this weather LOL) to mask outside's noise.
You can also talk to Jack about how Luke's a tiny baby who's likely to wake for some time on, so he has nothing to fear/wake for in the middle of the night. Give hima comfort object (blankie, stuffed animal) who will keep him company in the middle of the night: if Luke wakes you, hold teddy and help him go back to sleep. Talking to toddlers about stuff during daytime helps enormously to sort out night issues. They understand so much more than we can think of, and are able to remember even when they're half asleep... and it makes no harm in trying right?

HTH and keep us posted!
Mom to Manolo, spirited monkey and Jose Miguel, an angel cupcake

Offline Fife_Mum

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Re: Problems with sibling waking
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2006, 23:26:49 pm »
Sorry, no advice - just feeling your frustration.

Since my two have been sharing a room (just the last few months) I have also noticed that depending on where DS is in his sleep cycle he can either completely sleep through DD waking up, or he'll wake too - often just as I am trying to leave the room after settling her  ::). The same can happen in reverse too, so I have complete sympathy with you as there have been some nights when I feel like I am bouncing between the 2 of them and getting no sleep myself! And mine are 2 & 1 years old :-[. I sometimes kick DH ouit of bed to settle DS but that takes longer and disturbs DD...

I hope not having to go downstairs helps tonight. Does Jack know that your LO wakes for feed, and that you are just getting the bottle? You say he settles quickly which is great!

Vicky - Proud Mum to:
Fraser 29/03/2004,
Arwen 24/09/2005,
Sophie 20/11/2007

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Re: Problems with sibling waking
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2006, 23:37:38 pm »
Do you think that Jack might benefit from some reward system?  When Alex was born I had this trouble with Nathan (although he was a little older)  so I gave him a reward chart and allowed him to choose a gift that he could have if he slept 10 nights in a row.  He got the idea after 5 nights and even woke in the morning excited about putting his star on the chart.

The gift he chose was a spiderman wrist that shot blue silly string all over the hall and we had to repaint, so I got what I deserved!!!  He is still a good sleeper though.