Stacy, thanks so much for your thoughts. Regarding the waiting longer between feeds. He is 20 pounds, 8 months old. Should I try to stick really hard to 4 hours between bf during the day even if he gets fussy? Also, since he takes a full eating before bed, what if his first wake is only 2 or 3 hours after that last feed. Should I feed him then? Regarding the laying him back down at night, he is always crying, not fussing, but it isn't frantic. Do I wait until he gets that horrible frantic cry before laying him down? Do I even put off going into his room until he is frantically crying? I'm just so worried about breaking that trust we've developed. I can tell the difference between a cry and a fuss, but I don't really no when to respond when it comes to the different kinds of actual cries. My husband wants to turn off the monitor and let him cry so I feel like I'm running out of time. I told him we should try everything else before we resort to a cop out like CIO, but he's losing patience, I'm getting tired, and it has become my responsibility at night. I just don't know what to do.