Author Topic: short naps and scheduling infant with toddler  (Read 1135 times)

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Offline Ayden's Mom

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short naps and scheduling infant with toddler
« on: December 15, 2006, 23:47:29 pm »

My 5 1/2 month old was doing great for about a month, sleeping from 7pm until I woke him at 10:30'ish to feed, then through to 7am, sometimes past.  Then my milk went way down, so he started to wake at night to feed (which is probably good because I produce more milk).  He also used to nap for 1 to 2 hours but now they're 45 to the minute! 

The wake to sleep doesn't seem to work at all for his napping.  He typically gets just under 15 hours sleep per day.  He also tends to get sleepy after he wakes in the morning at about 1.5 hours, and for the rest of the day he's sleepy at 2 hours, and finally, right before bedtime, he gets sleepy after 2 1/2 hours or more.  Any ideas on what I could do better?

On another note, my toddler who is almost 3 seems not to need a nap anymore, unless I lay down with him at about 3pm, but he naps for a couple of hours and then goes to bed at 11pm!  Without a nap, he'll go to bed at about 8:30pm and wake after 11-12 hours.  Should I just eliminate the nap?  If he doesn't nap, I get absolutely no time for myself anymore as I now have a 2nd baby!

Is there a thread on scheduling for an infant and a toddler?

I am also wondering how the "show appreciation" icon works - if I click on it, does the moderator know that I"ve thanked them?

Thanks in advance!!


Offline mattandcindy

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Re: short naps and scheduling infant with toddler
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2006, 00:53:17 am »
Hi Maureen-Welcome! These are great boards for moms. I hope you enjoy them.

I have a couple questions for you. Are all your 5 month olds naps 45 minutes? Do you have Tracy's book? Have you read the part about the 45 minute intruder? I would start there for sure. It sounds like he is probably needing help going back to sleep. I am no expert at pu/pd but there are many here who are and you might want to think about posting a specific pu/pd question if all his naps are 45 minutes.
It sounds like he is getting around the right amount of sleep per day for his age though-15 hrs is on the low end of normal but it is normal. Is he fussy or happy most of the time? It sounds like his awake times are an appropriate amount of time also.
In terms of your toddler, I would say he is seeming ready to give up his nap. I know that sucks because you get no time to yourself but it is what it is. I am dealing somewhat with the same thing. I had both my kids on the same nap schedule until Sam, my 3 month old, wanted to extend his schedule. Now I am lucky if I get 1/2 hr to myself all day. But I have to remember I do get the evening once they are in bed.
Also, it is my understanding that you hit the thank you button under the "showing appreciation" and it will add one to the number.
Sounds like you are doing a great job-Hang in There!

Offline Ayden's Mom

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Re: short naps and scheduling infant with toddler
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2006, 07:57:28 am »
thanks for the welcome and the quick reply!

And yes, each of his naps are 45 minutes, I can set a watch by it!  He's pretty happy most of the time unless it gets closer to his nap or feed time.  I did read two of Tracy's books, from the library, and so I don't have them to refer to now.   I don't recall anything about the "45 minute intruder" but am familiar with the pu/pd.  Is the "intruder" another method to deal with it?  I have been through the pu/pd for getting him off the breast to sleep on his own, and can't bear the thought of doing it again to extend his napping times!

About losing the nap with my toddler, I agree, it's time to let it go.... 

Given that my younger one needs to nap after 1 1/2 to 2 hours, it's very difficult to bring my toddler out to any classes or play dates, because by the time we all get ready to go, there's only about 1/2 hour before it's another nap time.  It's always a choice between getting my toddler out and wrecking my baby's nap, or we stay home for baby's naps but toddler doesn't get out... I suppose it gets better after the little one stays awake longer.