rosie is now 12 months old and she's always been pretty good at eating solids, until a few weeks ago.
she was pretty good with finger foods too.
we're having problems now because she seems to have totally lost interest. partly I think we have some issues because she still only has 2 bottom teeth, so she finds it difficult to eat much in terms of finger foods. she also seems to get fed up with feeding herself, and has a tantrum, throwing what you've given her onto the floor.
she is refusing to be spoon fed at the moment too, even if you give her a spoon for herself. she just thrashes her arms around and screams at you.
i've tried giving her the bowl to see if she'll try and feed herself, but it also gets thrown straight onto the floor in a screaming tantrum.
if you put more than one piece of food in front of her, even if she's happily eating some of it, she'll throw all but the one piece she's eating, onto the floor.
i'm finding feeding her a real struggle at the moment because i just can't find any food she'll eat enough of, or consistently. some days she'll eat a sandwich (cut into fingers and given one piece at a time), and not other days. Some days she'll eat pieces of fruit out of a bowl. other days she just throws it all around.
any hints/tips or ideas of what to expect next? do I just persevere and hope it gets better? i'm worried because she really doesn't eat much at all:
breakfast - cup of milk and half a slice of toast + half a banana
snack - drink of juice/water and a biscuit/muesli (granola) bar type thing
lunch - (good day) sandwich, handful of baby crisps, fruit
(bad day) few baby crisps, possibly a baby rice cake, fruit puree
snack - juice/water and a biscuit or muesli bar (most of which is fed to the dog!)
tea (dinner) - (good day) spaghetti bolognese plus fruity pudding
(bad day) fruity pudding only after throwing main course on the floor.
milk before bed
now obviously I don't want to get her only eating sweet things, but some days that's all I can get into her at mealtimes without a screaming fit.