Author Topic: 3 meals a day or eat whenever: Trying to gain weight!  (Read 4692 times)

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3 meals a day or eat whenever: Trying to gain weight!
« on: December 28, 2006, 02:11:00 am »
I have read several threads on here, but really wanted some advice since my lo needs to gain weight.

My son is 16 months old and has gone down on the growth curve since he was 8 mos old.  He is a very picker eater and has been sick off and on for the last 6 months, therefore has lost a lot of weight.

We have recently found out (through an elimnation diet) that he cannot have milk or soy.  He is drinking rice milk now.  He was doing SO GOOD with this and actually started gaining weight, BUT right before Christmas he got a stomach virus and did not eat for 5 days.  So he has lost all the weight he gained plus some.

Anyhow my question is:  Since he really needs to gain weight, should I continue to focus on 3 structured meals a day and 2 snacks or just let him eat when he pleases? 

It seems to me when I offer Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, he does not want it, but is then crying because he is hungry. 

Should I just let him eat and play so I can be assured he is actually eating?????

I never wanted to start a bad habit like that, but I also want to do what is best for him.

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

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Re: 3 meals a day or eat whenever: Trying to gain weight!
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2006, 02:21:51 am »
Set out the food you would offer if you gave 3 meals & snacks & then if he doesn't eat at that time, offer that food again or a healthy alternative (give say 2 choices) when he does ask for food... both my ds's are reasonable (but picky at times) eaters & I follow a breakfast food is offered until snack if hungry & then snack until lunch. I do try to encourage set meal times BUT I don't refuse to give food if hungry at other times, I just try to offer balanced food.
If you don't want to always be putting him in the highchair, have a set "picnic" spot that he can sit on a towel/blanket for snacks, but can't move away from while eating... it will take a bit of effort the first 3-4 times, but after that they get the idea... my boys can eat at 3 designated spots (other than the main table...ds#2 19mo is no longer in a high chair) in the house for snacks/lunch & they do, where they choose each time is ok, but they can't eat outside those spots & We have no problems as they have learnt the rules. BTW started with 1 when ds#1 was about 13mo, it increased over time & ds#2 just copied ;)
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

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Re: 3 meals a day or eat whenever: Trying to gain weight!
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2006, 02:27:56 am »
Good ideas, thanks!!!  I just need to be consitent with the areas that he can eat. 

I have a dog that loves to eat everything in site, but I can just put her in her kennel for snack times. 

He does have a "art" table in the living room and I could designate that as his snack table. 

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

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Re: 3 meals a day or eat whenever: Trying to gain weight!
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2006, 20:28:22 pm »
At 16 months Ewan was having three meals and three snacks.  It seemed like all he did was eat ;D.  We always offered his snack while he was in the highchair though so that he wasnt just wandering around the house with food and we offered him healthy choices.  Then he decided if he was going to eat it or not :P

Offline Mydreamcametrue

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Re: 3 meals a day or eat whenever: Trying to gain weight!
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2006, 00:54:50 am »
Thanks for the encourgement about not getting back to normal for sometime.

Zach barely are today, but I did not force it either.  On top of all this, he is teething with his eye teeth also. 

He has been in a very grumpy mood all day, I would think because he is hungry and his teeth.

I did try just putting some food on a chair so he could reach it as his pleased.

I don't think I am going to start this habit though because I don't want greese marks and food marks all over my walls.  When he is hungry, he goes to his high chair.

Thanks for the advice!

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

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Re: 3 meals a day or eat whenever: Trying to gain weight!
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2006, 19:39:09 pm »
After Scotty had the tummy bug it took ages for him to eat food. It is 2 months or so ago and he is still picky. Instead of 3 meals and 2 snacks he only has 4 small meals now and nothing in between cause he just wouldn't eat...

He is properly eating if we do this:

awake 6.30, drink of juice

some Activity, then he gets hungry

Breakfast at 8

Activity, no snack

lunch at 11.30 or 12, he eats it well now, he fusses at the beginning and then eats it after a while cause he is so hungry

small snack at 3 (like a banana or a wee kinder maxi or so)

dinner at 6 or 6.30, he is really hungry by then and eats well...

When we gave him a monring snack he wouldn't eat his lunch so we dropped it and it works fine. BTW, Scotty is teething eyeteeth as well and loves all his food to be cold, even the dinnertypethingies, it doesn't have an impact on the nutrition  I guess...

Offline Mydreamcametrue

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Re: 3 meals a day or eat whenever: Trying to gain weight!
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2006, 16:47:36 pm »
Thanks!  Zach is teething with those eye teeth also.  That is proably a lot to do with why he does not want to eat much right now. 

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!