Author Topic: playing w/ transitional item (silkie) in crib  (Read 833 times)

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Offline soji

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playing w/ transitional item (silkie) in crib
« on: January 07, 2007, 19:35:33 pm »
Hi all -

My 6 month old DD is a good sleeper/napper.  She goes down w/ very little fuss for all her naps and for bedtime.  She's been on BW since she was a few weeks old.  She's getting much more active now - rolling both ways, starting to push up on her tummy and almost on all fours - we think she's going to be crawling soon - and sitting up for good stretches of time to play.  when she would wake up during her nap or at night, she would roll around a little bit and then go back to sleep.  So I RARELY ever had to go in to soothe her back to sleep (this is AFTER she got the hang of sleeping).  We have a video monitor and lately she's been waking up at times during her nap and at night and she's been playing w/ the tag on her crib sheet saver (I've since cut the tag), her silkie (this is her transitional item) and a plush bunny crib toy that plays music when you pull the tail - it is tied to the crib so she can't pull it down and around the crib.  We noticed that she's learned to pull the tail and play the music now too!  So we've taken out the bunny and the crib is pretty much empty - besides her little silkie blanket. 

So, I guess I don't have a real "problem" now that we've pulled everything out, but I just wanted to know what others did when their babies would play w/ things in their crib instead of sleep.  For naps, do you just let your LO stay in the crib and play?  She's not crying and she's quite content playing or talking to herself for up to an hour.  I've also noticed that in the last week and a half it's been mostly during her afternoon nap that she's waking up early and then playing the rest of the time.  I usually keep her in her crib until her 2 hours are up - mostly b/c she's not crying to be taken out. 

Also, she's on a 4 hour EASY (sometimes it's 4.5 hours) and she still needs her catnap aroudn 5:30ish for about 30 minutes.

Anyways, just thought I'd ask to see what others do in these situations.


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Re: playing w/ transitional item (silkie) in crib
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2007, 21:24:08 pm »
Hi, personally I would just leave her if she is happy and it is not affecting her routine and enjoy the YOU time!
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Offline soji

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Re: playing w/ transitional item (silkie) in crib
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2007, 16:14:43 pm »
Hi there - thanks for the encouragement.  It's driving me crazy that her naps aren't as good as they were before.  She's playing and rolling during one of her naps every day now!  She used to give me two pretty solid naps of 2 hours each.  Now that she's more active she just babbles to herself and rolls and rolls and rolls.  Ugh!!!  Do you think I need to change her schedule to a 4.5 hour easy?  She still does a mini catnap around 5:15 for no more than 20-30 minutes.  The hardest part is knowing when to actively change something in her schedule or jsut to let it go...

thanks for your help.