Sasha unfortunately came down with a very bad cold over the new year

.shes now over the worst but we are still left with night wakings (again!!!-just got her back on track after a tummy bug).
Now i know its going to take a while for her to get back on track with regards to her sleep but i'm starting to question her routine as well in case that is excacerbating the NWs
wake-6-6.30.has milk
12-nap usually for 2.5 hrs
7.30-milk,bath and bed.
i'm pretty sure i've hit the right bedtime as DH tried to put her to bed at 7pm last night and she wouldn't have it.i was at work at that point.mind you he did mention that he did get her up from her nap late

.so not really suprising she wouldn't go to sleep (men).
anyway i'm wondering if the nap might be causing a problem.i don't want to shorten the nap yet as shes just got over her cold.