From the sounds of what you are saying, it could be taht your lo is extremely over tired, hence not sleeping during the day, and him night waking.
I would definitely suggest getting your lo onto a routine, so that he can try and catch up on some sleep.
How are you feeding him at the moment? Are you demand feeding or do you feed him every 3 / 4 hours?
I would suggest starting your routine in the morning. When he wakes up, feed him, have some A time, and watch him closely for his signs of tiredness. When you see your DS starting to get fussy, then take him into the room and beging a windown routine, i.e swaddle if you do, have a bit of quiet time - sing, or a short story, and then put your lo to sleep.
I am not sure if your lo will fall asleep independantly or if he needs to be rocked / swayed etc. If he needs you to put him to sleep by rocking etc, I would stick with that at the moment and concentrate on getting routine in place. You should be aiming for at least an hour and a half's naps at the moment.
Could you post what a typical day looks like, i.e. eat, when and how much if bottle fed / breast fed, sleep, how long, how you get your lo to sleep and Activity and how long, and hopefully we will be able to hep you get a routine into place.
Paula x