After developing a pretty entrenched rubbing/patting/singing to sleep habit, I knew I needed to do something to re-teach ds (15 months old) to fall asleep on his own. I've done gradual withdrawel in the past with success, but it did involve quite a bit of crying while I sat in the middle of the room without interacting with him. So I decided to do p/d combined with gradual withdrawel. At first it seemed like it was going to work, but over a week later nothing has improved. It takes around 30 minutes every night, and the same pattern occurs where about 10-15 minutes into it he gets really worked up and hysterical. Basically, the second I move away from the crib he loses it. In the past I was able to actually go to the door and stay there while he fell asleep, and then eventually I was leaving the room.
Some facts about our current situation: ds recently got over a cold, and today at his checkup the dr. discovered some clear fluid in his ear; not enough to be a full-on infection but enough to be uncomfortable. He's also had this mild intestinal bug that causes frequent, somewhat loose stools; although since this morning this seems to have abated. And as always, he seems to be teething (this has been going on for 2-3 months!). Also, the SA is at an all-time high.
Tonight, about 45 minutes before bed, I gave him Tylenol to cover any ear pain as well as teething pain; I also gave him teething tablets. But it still took just as long to get him to settle. I think he's actually falling asleep more out of pure exhaustion from all the standing up and laying down.
Should I stop doing the p/d and try something else? Gradual withdrawel worked so well before, but now he seems to get more upset when I move away from him. It's beginning to feel like I'm never going to be able to leave his room before he falls asleep
One other thing since doing this....he now gets upset during winddown. He normally loves his bedtime story, but now he starts getting really upset when I pick the book up to read. And then when we do settle into a book he wants to keep flipping back to earlier pages to prolong going to bed. Tonight I decided to give him an extra cuddle after lights-out, where I held him and sang to him before putting him into the crib. He really calmed down and I thought that was going to help things but the minute he was in the crib, he was crying.
Help! What should I be doing?