Author Topic: Anyone else have a LO that never stops?  (Read 1936 times)

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Offline loki_31

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Anyone else have a LO that never stops?
« on: January 11, 2007, 02:49:14 am »
My little guy is non-stop action all the time.  He is 10 months old and from the moment he came out of the womb his little arms and legs have been moving as if he just can't wait to get going.  Well, he started crawling at 7 months and soon after became bored with anything that would restrain him (goodbye bouncy, exersaucer).  So, the only break I get from him is during naptime (ha!  if you call that a break).  He is a complete joy to be around, a very happy little guy, extremely inquisitive.. I have had alot of people (including daycare providers) comment on how busy he is and that he really keeps them on their toes.  I am beginning to wonder if it is normal since I get so many comments..I realize infants are normally "busy" but is there a point that it is not normal?
He literally does not stop moving unless he is sleeping :)

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Re: Anyone else have a LO that never stops?
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2007, 02:56:03 am »
I refer you to Stacy & Kaleb!! (He's on constant jiggle mode).

My inlaws always comment on how 'busy' Gaby is. I think my MIL forgets how my ADD DH was at this age. I wouldnt worry, he's on the go go go (our newest phrase here), there is a lot to explore & examine, so many new, exciting things to figure out, climb, take apart, etc. You have a smart child on your hands, embrace it!


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Re: Anyone else have a LO that never stops?
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2007, 03:16:42 am »
My 10 month old is the same thing! He crawled at 7 months as well and started walking at 9 months. My days are sooo tiring going after him all the time. I'm sure theres nothing to worry about, except for more bumps and bruises as they go go go!

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Re: Anyone else have a LO that never stops?
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2007, 05:58:35 am »
Tyler was the same way.  Crawled at 6 months, cruised at 7 months and by then was INTO EVERYTHING.  Not to worry you, but it has gotten "worse".  It is hard work, but a lot of fun too. 

Don't worry, just keep him safe and everything will be fine.  Oh, and take breaks when you can!   :)

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Re: Anyone else have a LO that never stops?
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2007, 13:35:28 pm »
DD is 9 months old and has also never stopped moving.  Her arms constantly flap.  Sometimes I think she may fly away  ;).  Since she started crawling nothing really interests her except exploring things she shouldn't be exploring....also, no exersaucer, etc.  I worry about walking which will be very soon as she gets frustrated when she sees older kids doing it and she can't.  She is very determined.  You are not alone  ;D
I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline loki_31

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Re: Anyone else have a LO that never stops?
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2007, 16:08:22 pm »
It is nice to hear of all the other busy bodies!  I got a call yesterday from daycare that they thought he was getting sick because he was just sitting on their laps and not getting into everything.  Poor kid, he is pigeonholed now :) He was fine last night and this maybe he just took a much needed break!
I am also not looking forward to walking..he cruises all over holding onto things but I am pretty sure he will skip walking and go straight to running once he figures it out! 

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Re: Anyone else have a LO that never stops?
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2007, 16:22:44 pm »
LOL--Welcome to the world of a spirited, busy child!!!  ;)

Our dd was/is the same way. Crawled at 6 months, cruised about the same time and was running by 11 months :o.  She could climb the small slides at the park by 10 months which shocked everyone who watched her.  And she continues to just amaze us with her energy--she is still very physically active, and now she talks non-stop from the time she wakes up until she finally crashes at night.

It is so exhausting and can be very frustrating, but is also so much fun!  And yes, you will get a lot of comments from other people because the activity level is just a step higher than the normal busy toddler, but that doesn't mean anything is wrong with them :) 

I've found that if I can provide lots of active times for her in ways that are okay with me, it keeps her out of trouble and she is better able to listen and cooperate when I need her to remain a little more calm.  So we have always done lots of outdoor activities where she can run and climb and play as hard and loud as she wants (little harder now that its winter and we moved to a cold climate--and her behaviour has shown that she's missing it!)  I actually take her to an indoor track and have her run laps with me somedays!  She can run about a 1/2 mile straight no problem!

Enjoy your busy boy!!!!


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Re: Anyone else have a LO that never stops?
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2007, 13:49:52 pm » the video.  Boy is he a cutie.  :D
-We also have a video monitor and every 5 minutes Grace is in a new position on the other side of the crib.  I don't know how she ever fully gets rested because I know I wouldn't if I moved that much.  One time she sat up in the middle of the night and fell asleep sitting up.  We had to go lay her back down.    ;D 
What fun we have to look forward to. 
-We also never used the swing for play or the bouncy seat after 3 months.  Too dangerous and too confining for her.  At 3 months she also didn't want to be in her baby car seat.  She wanted to sit straight up in the stroller.  We had to buy a much bigger car seat, on that stays in the car, as the other one was too small for her liking. So silly. :D

Stacy...with Kaleb always being on the go and being a toddler now, how does he do with naps?
I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

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Re: Anyone else have a LO that never stops?
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2007, 17:01:09 pm »
That's awsome!  Thanks for sharing. 

I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

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Re: Anyone else have a LO that never stops?
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2007, 17:23:54 pm »
It seems Calum doesn't stop in his sleep either, he is constantly rattling off the sides of the cotbed during the night, I hate to think what will happen in a big-boy bed and will he ever get a duvet  ::)
Lauren x

Offline loki_31

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Re: Anyone else have a LO that never stops?
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2007, 21:33:53 pm »
I think Kaleb and Aaron are long lost brothers! I guess when I said he stops in his sleep I meant that I get to stop when he is sleeping..he is also all over the crib and has been since he figured out how to roll over around 4 months.  A friend of mine has a boy 2 months younger (8 months) and says he is in the same position in the morning as he was when she put him in there the night before.  What?!  Good grief. 
I can still get a few minutes in his jumper, but not nearly as long as before.  His new thing is climbing the steps...loves to climb our steps.  Obviously only with supervision, but I am pretty impressed he can make it all the way up, they are long and steep.. He looks at me when he gets to the top as if to say ..Mom you have not seen anything yet!  Love the video, he is so cute.  I was reading your thread about the dishwasher and was LOL, Aaron loves the dishwasher- so far he is easily distracted but we have a few pictures of him standing on it..loves to help mom. ha  He also loves to drop everything in the toilet.  Honey- leave the lid closed please!

Offline loki_31

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Re: Anyone else have a LO that never stops?
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2007, 23:08:13 pm »
I completely agree- they can get hurt so easily.
I have a bunch of latches in a box that we need to get out and use!  I am sure the distractions won't last much longer. 

Offline debo620

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Re: Anyone else have a LO that never stops?
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2007, 01:46:36 am »
Stacy---I didn't know these latches existed-are they really made specifically for appliances? where did you buy them?
Noah---January 30th, 2006
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