Liam has been going to sleep by himself since he's was 2.5 months (thanks to the shh/pat). We would put him in his bed fully awake and leave the room and that was it. But for the last 3 weeks, he's been needing us to be in there with him. At first, I thought it was a one off so I stayed in and put my hand on his cheek... he went in less than 20 minutes. I have to say that we were staying with my in-laws at the time and when we are not at home I usually just want him to sleep so I did whatever it took. He then started needing the hand on the cheek every nap and nighttime. When we got back home after being away for 3 weeks, we decided that we had to do something as Liam also started waking at night and taking 2-3 hours to get back to sleep. (FRUSTRATING!!!) So we started doing PD last weekend. Things have improved quite a bit since last Saturday. The first time we had to put him down 59 times and it took an hour. It took me 3 times and 10 minutes today to put him down for his nap.
I also have to say that he popped 4 teeth in the last month.... and another one is on its way. Also, we are not quite ready for one nap but two naps seems to be too much as he usually takes his second nap late in the afternoon and is not tired by 7:30pm.
HEre is his schedule:
6 - 6:30am wake up
7am bottle
8:00 breakfast
10:30 nap
12:00 wake-up and lunch
2:30 bottle
3:30-4pm nap
4:45pm wake-up
5:30pm dinner
7:30pm bath+bedtime routine
8pm bedtime
HOw long do we continue with PD? SHould we start doing WI/Wo? We are dying for a good night sleep as I have to go back to work soon and my husband has to work everyday.