Author Topic: night wakings! help  (Read 666 times)

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Offline joannamair

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night wakings! help
« on: January 18, 2007, 09:40:50 am »

am struggling with night wakings. He is 6.5 months. Recently stopped Bf, onto formula and solids now! He is reluctant to drink much even when solids are reduced.  Our routine is:

Wakes 5 - 6 am, kept quiet/ busy until

7am - 4 oz  + formula and weetabix

7.30 - 8.30 Nap before school run

10.00 Snack - banana and fromage frais mix - water

10.30 - nap, varies from 45 - 1.5 hours

12.30 lunch solids and 2- 3 oz formula

1/ 1.30 nap again varies

3.00 ff 3-4 oz teething biccy

4.00 solids savory and a sweet pud

5.00 cat nap if naps are short

6.00 bed and 5 oz bottle

10.00 df 3 - 6 oz

one night feed given 3 - 5 oz

wakes either once and settles after feed until 5/6, or wakes up to hourly.

Has dummy for naps, goes down awake in cot with dummy. will sleep from 6/ 7 pm to 1/ 2 am without fuss. then its from 2 to 5/6 we struggle.

settles very quickly with fuss. but can wake only an hour later.

naps getting better, were always 45 mins, now extending to up to 2 hours.

Have been using a natures nest, but now in cot for a week to see if it helps. 

recently had jabs! teething!



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Re: night wakings! help
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2007, 13:42:42 pm »
OK I wouldn't dobt the teething and needles are effecting your LO. But I also notice you have him on 3 meals and 2 snacks, thats to many solids for this age. Reduce to 2 meals for the time being, a morning meal, an hour after milk, and then a lunch meals an hour after milk. In a couple weeks time (about 7 months) go back to 3 meals, the last meal being an hour after milk again. I highly suspect your LO may have some tummy upset. Also I think the paci is becomeing a prop. It may be time to wean the pacci.
Try to get 2 naps of 1.5 hours and on cat nap. 4 naps is to many for your LO.