Thanks for your comments, and Pheww, glad you don't think that she is ready for the big bed. I did wonder a few weeks ago if her naps were a little too long, she was having 2.5-3 hours but then she started to go later and later but I still used to wake her at 2.30pm as it messes her nighttime if it's any later. But I think that I would rather her go down earlier and for me to wake her around 2pm, but as she won't go for a nap until 1pm (again, she doesn't cry, she just lays there playing, but she does start to cry after about half an hour, bedtime, she will lay there singing until she drops off) But as she doesn't nap until 1pm+ she is not being woken until 2.30pm so maybe that's why she isn't ready for sleep until 9pm.
She is up there now, singing her head off, and I wouldn't mind but, well, she isn't exactly Charlotte Church, voice of an angel passed her by I'm afraid, and she is so loud!! Nathan is even starting to complain.