etmom- that's why it's so nerve-racking! Because at times I've thought he needed me, gone in, tried to settle him, but seems he just wants to be left alone, occassionally getting more upset with me there, other times he settles right away with a pat.
My LO used to cry when I put him down for a nap, from the moment I laid him down, but once we got a good naptime routine going that stopped eventually. Now he lets a bit of a cry out when I put him in the grobag, but I just say, it's just naptime, or it's just bedtime and that's it... the crying usually starts after I leave the room...
tonight he was crying like a mantra (but I was anxious it might be more , "should I go in?or..."(ugh
) and dh was down getting his lovey out of the car (we left Grover there all alone!) and I went in to give it to him (scared to even do that-but figured it might help him) and he immdediately laid his head down and started sucking his thumb-as if to go asleep..
He cried a blt more when I left again, but soon slept.
So hard to know, huh?
good luck