Isabella has always been excellent at going to sleep. Hardly ever needing us and just talking to sleep. Even when she would get sick or teething, it was only disturbed sleep for a few nights. About 4 days ago thou, as soon as I leave the room, its crying and tears and more tears. I've been doing wiwo but why is this hapening??? Her day is more or less the same it has been since she's been on 1 nap. Wake 6ish, 12-12.30 nap (1.5-2hrs) and bedtime at 7pm. She used to have a bedtime of 6pm (falling asleep by 6.30) but then waking at around 5ish so I pushed her bedtime to 7pm. This change was waay back though, like 2 months ago.
I am really at a loss and I hate doing wiwo cause she calms down but then just screams the minute I turn to leave. I hate seeing her cry, especially before she goes to sleep and I just want to stay there with her until she falls asleep but then I would be creating more probs for myself.
Is this something toddlers just go through? Her molars and eye teeth are out. Absolutely nothing different is hapening. The baby goes down at 6.30 so I have 30mins with Isabella alone in a room, trying to prepare her for bedtime. Is that not enough? Should I try and do something different?
The only thing I can think of is her watching BabyEinstein during the day (about 2-3 in total - about 30mins each) but I make sure that by 5.30pm (which is 1.5 hrs away from bedtime) all tv is off. She doesn't watch commercial tv at all during the day. My dh&I go through our moments here and there so do you think she can sence the tension. We tend to "discuss" things but no one yells or anything like that. And we are the type to snap and then make up in 10mins. Also she has been waking up in the morning & from her naps and crying out for us. We have a camera in her room (not a monitor) so as soon as she is up, I get her straight away. I never left her to play (except in the morning to get some more sleep
) yet she has been waking up crying. She has a 1.5 hr nap so its not like she is tired? Or is she? Like this morning she woke at 6.10 but hysterical. I went to her straight away but why wake up in tears? Could it be SA? At 22months? Is she scared of anything? Are fears possible at this age? She sleeps through at night just going to bed is a nightmare!
I put her to sleep tonight with a teddy so that when she wakes she has "company" and hopefully not cry 1st thing in the morning... so we'll see how it goes.
Stupid question - should I take the nap away so that she goes to sleep without resistance? Or would that totally stuff things up
At a loss