Dear Ladies,
Firstly thank you all so much for your helpful replies

I had figured this might be the problem but felt if I changed to suit the 6am wake up he would never change, but if I tried to get it back to the routine before he was sick he would slot back into the later waking time that he had seemed to take to so easily with the Baby whisperers advice.
He would be the spirited touchy type.
So if I changed the eating times as suggested to earlier and bring the nap forward this will help his distress when waking and enable him to be more ready for bed by 7.30pm.
Will this eventually result in him waking any earlier?
I really would like to change his waking time to 7am onwards as that hour makes such a difference especially at the weekends, the worst thing is he did it for over 4 weeks before getting ill so I now know it is possible or should I just accept the 6am and concerntrate on him having a better routine and sleep pattern?
Bright Eyes