My little guy is 7months old and taking 2 naps a day.
I try to put him down when he starts yawning - about after 2 hours of activity but he won't sleep. So I wait about another hour and put him down. I know at his age 3 hour activity is normal but do i follow the signs or do I follow the schedule? I find that his last nap is the hardest to put him down and sometimes he just won't sleep or show any signs of tiredness.
7:00 bf
8:00 food
10:00 nap #1 (1.5 hrs)
11:30 bf
12:30 food
2:30 nap #2 (1.0 or 1.5 hrs)
3:30 bf
4:30 food
5:30 bf
7:00 bath
7:30 bottle 8 oz
7:45 bed