i dont think im a very confident parent and i constantly question myself and my decisions.
Suzie, hunny, we all feel like that at one point or another
I was especially jumpy and indecisive when my ds was that young also. Don't feel bad hun, please don't. It's only natural to second guess things and what mother out there doesn't want only the best for her child. You sound like quite the terrific mom to me if you have the confidence to come here and post that you feel doubtful.
I think Monika has given you great advice, and heck you can even try 3.25 hour EASY. And keep in mind if it doesn't go well, then you can also go back to 3 hour EASY and stratch this off the list of things to try.
Please know you can come here anytime and look for comfort and support. People tend to think of us here in EASY as just for technical stuff. Not the case my dear
EASY can be tiring and scary and we're here to help you through it.
- Beca