Author Topic: 5 month old, won't nap & i'm losing my mind  (Read 3264 times)

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Offline kristin378

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5 month old, won't nap & i'm losing my mind
« on: March 05, 2007, 13:45:29 pm »
my son is 5 moths old.  i read about BW when he was 3 1/2 months old and immediately put him on a 3 hour EASY routine.  he was  a dream after that.  about 3 weeks ago i decided to try to get him to learn to sleep w/o being swaddled.  we worked on it and w/in 3 days he was sleeping great at night again.

however, he will NOT nap for longer than 30-45 minutes.  i've tried shh/pat, pu/pd, and wake to sleep and all it does it get him so fighting mad that he ends up turning purple and gagging himself crying so hard.  this breaks my heart and i end up crying along with him.  he is so fussy and cranky by the end of the day now that he is almost unbearable.  i feel like such a horrible mother because i don't know how to help him get the rest he needs.  my husband thinks i am depressed and worry about this too much.

i will try anything short of medicating him to get him to get the rest he needs and to get him back into a routine.  right now, he eats about every 4 hours.  please help, i am desperate!
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Re: 5 month old, won't nap & i'm losing my mind
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2007, 15:03:10 pm »
How is he when you do get him up?  Do you go to him as soon as he wakes up?

How long does he stay up before his nap?  How are his nights?

I would start on working on the morning nap first, as you sound like you need a break.  This sleep training thing can be so hard!  I too felt like I had a post partum revival last week.  Don't think you're a bad mom, you're doing all you can and not everything depends on us moms!  Your baby has LOTS of reasons not to sleep well.  You can't sleep for him!  And BW says it pretty well herself: crying baby does not mean bad mommy!

Lots of (((((((hugs)))))))) to you during this difficult period.  It will get better!

Offline kristin378

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Re: 5 month old, won't nap & i'm losing my mind
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2007, 19:16:35 pm »
your baby was born on the same day as my son - she's beautiful, by the way!

when i hear him wake up, i usually let him be for a few minutes in hopes that he will be able to resettle and go back to sleep but within a few minutes he works himself into a fit and i get him up.  as soon as he is out of the crib, he is happy and giggly.  he is generally pretty good until about an hour and a half later, which is cutting it close to his feeding times.  i am trying to hang onto our 4 hour EASY, or at least his 4 hour feedings, but's nearly impossible.  some days he can last 3 hours or more (ina  good mood) before he falls asleep and some days he starts showing signs of needing sleep w/in 30 minutes or so after eating.  when i see him start to act sleepy, i get him down for his nap.
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Re: 5 month old, won't nap & i'm losing my mind
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2007, 08:42:57 am »
hi kristin
sorry you are having a rough time with naps. It feels so bad when you know your lo just needs to go to sleep and yet you can't do it for them.
Some lo's are just stuck on 45 min naps and nothing you can do will work for them. I found with dd that if I stayed in the room and held her through the jolts she would sleep for 90 min, but if I didn't, she would wake after 45 mins. It obviously wasn't practical to do this for every single nap for weeks on end (I would have gone crazy  ::)) so many many days we had 45 min naps all day long.
My lo was also on 4 hr EASY at the time and with a bit of routine juggling you can kep the feedings at 4 hrs but still accommodate the 45 min naps without him getting overtired.
For example: on a true 4hr EASY, most lo's will have 1.5hrs of naps, and 2.5 hrs of A time = 4 hrs total. But your lo is having only a 45 min nap, and therefore it is unlikely he will manage 2.5 hrs of A time, and no way will handle 3.25 hrs to make up the 4 hrs of EASY. (are you with me so far?!)
So what you end up with is EASAS looking something like this:
sleep 45 mins
activity & eat 2.25 hrs
sleep 45 mins
activity 2.25 hrs
sleep 45 mins
activity & eat etc So sometimes you will have an activity period where he doesn't eat. Or perhaps eats right at the end of the activity time, just before the nap. This is fine as long as you don't feed him to sleep so he starts to need the feed to get to sleep. This way you can still keep the 4 hr feeds, but accommodate the short naps. You will probably have 4 naps in a day this way, and perhaps even a further 20 min catnap at the end of the day.
I hope this makes sense! Let us know if you need any further help
kathryn xxxx

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Re: 5 month old, won't nap & i'm losing my mind
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2007, 10:08:01 am »
I had a 45 min nap routine pretty much the same as the pp.  The other point I should make is that I NEVER woke my dd from one of her naps, even if it meant she got fed a bit late. 2 reasons. 1stly, her naps were short anyway, so why bother, it wasn't likely to be hours til she woke to eat. 2ndly, I didn't want to do anything to prevent her from sleeping longer. So when she was ready, sleep longer she did!

I just wanted to say, on this kind of routine, watching cues is very important.  Sometimes you will do EASA depending on how close to the nap the feed was, and sometimes EASAS.  My lo actually has always had very long A times, and was doing 2 hr A times easily on 45 min nap.  But if she showed any tired signs, I always put her down straight away.

Rina - Mum to Zara 29/3/06
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Re: 5 month old, won't nap & i'm losing my mind
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2007, 11:54:09 am »
Hi Kristin- i have a 3 month old with exactly the same problem and i symathise with your frustration. my ds is currently on 3.5 hour easy.

i try to be in his room around the wake up time so that when he stirs and starts to cry im there to comfort him straight away and sometimes he goes back off or at least has a fitful 45 mins which takes us to next E time and is better than nothing.sometimes i have to shh/pat him the whole time. i find if i dont do this he wakes up and i have to deal with a very grumpy baby and his routine is shot to pieces. also if this helps him you are getting him used to sleeping longer than 45 minutes

also i read something on the FAQ board which really helped me cope with this problem. Apparently lo's spend 0-3 months sorting out their night time sleep then 3-6 months sorting out their day time sleep. so its probably nothing your doing wrong its just a developmental thing

HTH and hope things are better soon


Offline kristin378

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Re: 5 month old, won't nap & i'm losing my mind
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2007, 13:59:54 pm »
many thanks for the input.  yesterday he suddenly had an 80 minute nap in the morning, a 2 hour midday nap and a 45 minute nap in the late afternoon.  he didn't sleep as well as usual last night, but i didn't care, i was so happy about the longer naps.  nothing changed in his day, for some unknown reason he just slept longer.  i am hopeful that the same thing will happen today.  it's amazing how much happier and more playful he is when he gets longer naps!
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Offline kristin378

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Re: 5 month old, won't nap & i'm losing my mind
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2007, 18:05:49 pm »
yesterday was apparently a fluke!  his first nap this morning he "slept" less than 25 minutes.  his second nap just ended at about 35 minutes.  he is now in the crib pounding his legs against the mattress and cooing.  he has been very cranky all morning...

somebody please tell me that this stage will pass soon!   :-[  i just want to run away!
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Offline KathrynK

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Re: 5 month old, won't nap & i'm losing my mind
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2007, 18:11:41 pm »
hi again
please don't run away! you are being a great mum to your lo and it WILL get better, I promise you!
Can you post your routine? I mean what actually happens in a day, not what you want to happen  ;)  Overtiredness is usually the cause of very short (ie less than 40 min) naps. Maybe with some tweaking we can get him napping a little better?

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Re: 5 month old, won't nap & i'm losing my mind
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2007, 20:58:28 pm »
How are you doing W2S?  MAybe a little tweaking in your technique could help to at least get some longer naps when you really need them.  Looking at the actual routine wil  be very helpful too.

Grace's mom